Mr. Pavone admits to CNA: I told my bishop to shut up and leave me alone.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 18, 2023 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; priesthood

When CNA report­ed that the Vat­i­can had defrocked Mr. Pavone, he com­plained that he had no idea. “How did CNA learn about this before I did?” he cried. He wants us to believe he rose one morn­ing in the pink of inno­cence, said the Office, made his cof­fee and got online, read CNA, and sat there astonied. Appar­ent­ly the Vat­i­can defrocked him and decid­ed not to tell him. That’s cred­i­ble. But now, Pavone tells CNA that it may have got­ten lost in the stacks and stacks of mail that come in to Priests for Life. “I have no idea what they sent me,” said the befud­dled Pavone. “The com­mu­ni­ca­tion broke down a long time ago. They may indeed have sent some­thing. I sim­ply didn’t see it.”

Bishop Zurek: Fr. Pavone may have exhumed baby from pro-Trump video.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 4, 2023 • Church Scandals; Pro-Life Issues

Amar­il­lo bish­op Patrick Zurek makes the charge about exhuma­tion a let­ter to Pavone dat­ed May 5, 2017. The pur­pose of the let­ter was to demand that Pavone ask to be lai­cized. If Pavone did not request it him­self, Bish­op Zurek would ask Pope Fran­cis to lai­cize him invol­un­tar­i­ly. In the let­ter, Zurek cites two grounds for this course of action: (1) Pavone’s “incor­ri­gi­ble” dis­obe­di­ence; (2) Pavone’s exploita­tion of a dead baby for par­ti­san polit­i­cal pur­pos­es. In the mid­dle of all that, Zurek includes an extra­or­di­nary para­graph.

FaithfulCatholic™ idolatry of Scott Hahn.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 18, 2021 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Idolatry

I used to mourn over what has actu­al­ly been a bless­ing: that many of the apol­o­gists (and real-life friends) who were instru­men­tal in my con­ver­sion only end­ed up dis­ap­point­ing me. But it was a bless­ing, because it’s a reminder not to idol­ize peo­ple. Peo­ple will let you down. Only Christ does not let you down. Put not your trust in mor­tals who can­not save. God alone saves you. In fact, Leila Miller is right, but not in the way she intends. You do have to pick a side.

Frank Pavone threatens to withhold absolution from Democrat-voting Catholics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 15, 2020 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Politics

We are all going to have to assume that Fr. Frank Pavone is being utter­ly hon­est in his tweet, because to assume that he is engag­ing in mere blus­ter would be unchar­i­ta­ble. Fr. Pavone nev­er engages in blus­ter and is entire­ly hon­est in all things — par­tic­u­lar­ly his canon­i­cal sta­tus in the Church and the fact that his new, sup­port­ive bish­op is wait­ing until just the right moment to come out from behind the cur­tain and announce his iden­ti­ty to an anx­ious, wait­ing world. None of these things are lies, and the Dio­cese of Amar­il­lo is not refus­ing to answer ques­tions about Pavone because they think they’re not real­ly account­able to any­one; it would be unchar­i­ta­ble to hint at such a thing.

No, Austrian bishops, the Church may not “bless” same-sex unions.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 27, 2020 • Church Scandals; In the News; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology

Catholic News Agency reports that the Aus­tri­an bish­ops are agi­tat­ing for the Church to give a “for­mal, litur­gi­cal bless­ing” to “homo­sex­u­al cou­ples.” (It nev­er ends. The answer is no, but it nev­er ends.) Their com­mit­tee on the litur­gy asked for a book to be writ­ten explain­ing how such a thing may be done. The title of the book is The Bene­dic­tion of Same-Sex Part­ner­ships. CNA does not say whether the book lim­its bless­ings to “part­ners” who are celi­bate. It does not mat­ter, in any case, because the Church has ruled it out and there’s no room to wig­gle.

Hey, USCCB: Maybe some public penance and resignations would help.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 10, 2019 • Church Scandals

For decades, bish­ops have shield­ed priests who were known to them to be abus­ing minors. Chile’s bish­ops final­ly did one right thing and resigned en masse. (The pope accept­ed three of them.) And ear­li­er this year, Pope Fran­cis lai­cized Arch­bish­op McCar­rick, him­self an abuser. After a while, things like this appear like token ges­tures, as bish­ops make a dis­play of “demand­ing account­abil­i­ty” and “tak­ing steps to ensure,” and then return to busi­ness as usu­al. Except some­times they look up from the cozy trap­pings of cler­i­cal­ism long enough to notice: Gee, peo­ple are leav­ing the Church. Why?

His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Cafeteria Catholic.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 3, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Vatican II

The valu­able Mike Lewis at Where Peter Is has the sto­ry on Car­di­nal Burke’s lat­est brazen dec­la­ra­tion of dis­sent from the Mag­is­teri­um. I’ll get to all that, but first it’s nec­es­sary to remind our­selves that Burke has gone down this road before. Back in 2016, Burke spoke with reporters and declared that we can over­look Nos­tra Aetate because it’s “not dog­mat­ic.” Of course, it does not mat­ter whether it’s “dog­mat­ic” or not; it’s the teach­ing of a Church coun­cil, and Burke is on inde­fen­si­ble ground if he thinks Catholics can just wave their hand at that.

Clergy sexual assault is not about homosexuality; it is about power.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 19, 2018 • Church Scandals

Some­where I read a plea that we not say “they sex­u­al­ly abused” or “they molest­ed” or “they are pedophiles.” These are san­i­tary words of many syl­la­bles. “No! They fucked, they raped, they groped, they grabbed, they snatched.” Even my title is san­i­tary. Can we stip­u­late that what went on is rape, or at least the list of verbs that approach it? The Grand Jury Report describes a wide range of them. In my view, tax­on­o­my — was this real­ly rape? pedophil­ia is only pre-pre­pu­bes­cent, you know — is a dis­trac­tion and fuzzes up the real point.

Cardinal Burke can’t “correct” the pope, but the pope can correct Burke.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 28, 2017 • Amoris Laetitia; Church Scandals

Fake Site News is blar­ing trum­pets again about the so-called “cor­rec­tion” of the pope by Burke, et al. If Pope Fran­cis won’t answer the dubia, “we sim­ply will have to cor­rect the sit­u­a­tion.” Ahem. Some­times peo­ple will ask me: “Alt! Do you still stand by that arti­cle you wrote, you know, the one where you said you changed your mind about Pope Fran­cis? Mr. Sko­jec declared that you had seen the light.” I do stand by my arti­cle. Recall I said the pope should answer the dubia. But any talk of Burke or any­one else “for­mal­ly cor­rect­ing” the Holy Father is just imper­ti­nence.

Simcha Fisher speaks the truth about Milo apologists.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 21, 2017 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals

This is not “com­pli­cat­ed.” Don’t insult us. Pedophil­ia can not be defend­ed. The seri­ous­ness of the priest abuse scan­dal can not be waved away. End stop. There is no nuance, there is no “very com­pli­cat­ed.” Milo may be a vic­tim of abuse. Milo may be wound­ed. We can and should have com­pas­sion on that, and no Catholic is per­mit­ted to judge him. But com­pas­sion does not mean that we can nuance what he said out of its sting. Nor can we claim, as Dr. Smith does, that Milo does not “pro­mote ped­erasty.” No. That is what he said. You can read the tran­script.

Is criticizing priests forbidden to Catholics? In fact, we have a right to.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 15, 2016 • Church Scandals

This is not anoth­er post about Fr. Pavone. But it was dur­ing a dis­cus­sion of that top­ic on Face­book that some­one made the claim that Catholics are “not allowed” to crit­i­cize priests. I am going to lim­it myself, there­fore, to that spe­cif­ic claim. I do not, here, address the top­ic of whether crit­i­cism of priests is impru­dent. Nor do I dis­cuss the extent to which we must do so in char­i­ty, or pri­vate­ly, with respect for the office, and so on. I address only the claim that it is “not allowed.” As near as I can tell, this belief has its ori­gin in an unap­proved pri­vate rev­e­la­tion.

Where is the baby now? Fr. Frank Pavone’s words are inconsistent.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 14, 2016 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Politics; Pro-Life Issues

First, Fr. Frank Pavone said that the abort­ed baby he used as a prop in his pro­pa­gan­da film for Mr. Trump was “entrust­ed to us by a pathol­o­gist for bur­ial.” “We have had a funer­al,” he said on Face­book. Then, when the Nation­al Catholic Reporter fol­lowed up with this self­less man of God, Pavone said, “Oh, I’ve returned it to a Protes­tant pas­tor for bur­ial.” Now he says the funer­al direc­tor gave it to a Protes­tant pas­tor, who con­tact­ed Priests for Life and loaned them the corpse, but expect­ed it back for bur­ial. This poor baby keeps get­ting tossed around like a foot­ball.

How long has Fr. Frank Pavone had that fetus?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 11, 2016 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Politics; Pro-Life Issues

A dead baby VERY SIMILAR to this one was put on pub­lic dis­play in Char­lotte before the 2012 Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion. When asked what hap­pened to the baby’s remains after the “event,” which fea­tured the baby in an open cas­ket on the side­walk out­side a Catholic church … Fr. Pavone would not say any­thing oth­er than that he has a memo­r­i­al to the unborn in New York that his min­istry man­ages. The rea­son I note the sim­i­lar­i­ty … is that the bruis­ing and dis­col­oration are due to the effects of a saline abor­tion. …

But will Fr. Frank Pavone take instruction from his bishop?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 10, 2016 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Politics; Pro-Life Issues

In a veiled swipe at this blog, Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life petu­lant­ly stat­ed that he would “not take instruc­tion” from those who say (which I did) that his cute lit­tle stunt of turn­ing a fetus into a polit­i­cal prop for Don­ald Trump was a “sac­ri­lege.” We laity need to learn our place. How­ev­er, Fr. Pavone’s bish­op, the Most Rev. Patrick Zurek, has issued a state­ment of his own on this mat­ter, and I won­der whether Fr. Pavone will wish to “take instruc­tion” from him. Zurek’s words were stronger than mine. He called Fr. Pavone’s actions a “des­e­cra­tion of the altar.”

After sick political stunt, Fr. Pavone’s faculties should be suspended.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 7, 2016 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Pro-Life Issues

I am going to be, excuse the pun, frank: What Fr. Pavone did was a sac­ri­lege. It is a vio­la­tion of canon law, which states that the altar is con­se­crat­ed for one pur­pose and one pur­pose only. It is con­se­crat­ed for the Holy Sac­ri­fice of the Mass, not so that a dead child can be placed there as part of a polit­i­cal stunt to lob­by for a favored pres­i­den­tial can­di­date. More than that, what Fr. Pavone did is the oppo­site of pro-life. Being pro-life is about respect­ing the dig­ni­ty of the human per­son. It is the antithe­sis of respect for the dig­ni­ty of the human per­son to use a dead child as a polit­i­cal prop.