Good Shepherd no different than Fisher More.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 11, 2014 • Church Scandals

If tra­di­tion­al­ly-mind­ed Catholics have it in their mind that this is what a Novus Ordo parish is like, it is no sur­prise that they seek refuge in the Extra­or­di­nary Form. It is no sur­prise they have the pas­sion they do. This is the kind of — excuse me for being blunt—crap that bish­ops need to stamp down, imme­di­ate­ly and clear­ly and with no apol­o­gy. The bish­op should inves­ti­gate, and dis­ci­pline Dea­con Sandy Sites, and ensure that no more out­rages and abus­es occur at Good Shep­herd.

Why Latin Mass Onlyists are destroying the Latin Mass.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 6, 2014 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals

What is hap­pen­ing in the Catholic Church is that the Latin Mass is becom­ing the province of a fac­tion of spite­ful, spit­ting lob­by­ists. The Latin Mass is becom­ing asso­ci­at­ed with those who view Vat­i­can II as an invalid coun­cil and think that peo­ple who attend the Novus Ordo are less­er Catholics; who act as though the Latin Mass some­how makes them bet­ter and supe­ri­or and more holy, and their halo more sure, per­haps even com­plete. That (not the Latin Mass itself) is the “dan­ger to your soul” to which Bp. Olson referred.

In defense of Bishop Campbell’s firing of a lesbian teacher.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 26, 2013 • Church Scandals; In the News; LGBT Issues

There is no way to win an argu­ment with a bul­ly: A bul­ly is not inter­est­ed in being per­suad­ed, and a bul­ly is not inter­est­ed in being right; a bul­ly is inter­est­ed in one thing — being a bul­ly. In the present case, I am speak­ing about moral­is­tic bul­lies for the patent­ly wicked, abom­inable, Satan­ic evil of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty. They are not inter­est­ed in being just or right­eous; they are inter­est­ed in impos­ing their evil on soci­ety by rhetor­i­cal manip­u­la­tion and legal threat, even if it means attempt­ing to remove from oth­ers the free­dom to say, “No, I will not sup­port you in your evil.”

Leftist hysteria continues over Pope Francis & LCWR.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 17, 2013 • Church Scandals; Pope Francis

This one is too good to pass up. Over at the Dai­ly Screech, some­one named Bar­bie Latza Nadeau has post­ed this scrib­bled pan­ic attack with the price­less title “New Pope, but No Nicer to Nuns.” The only good thing that can be said about it is that Ms. Nadeau is skilled at allit­er­a­tion. In school, Rhetoric 101 may have been more her strong suit than Log­ic 101. Ms. Nadeau begins her arti­cle by set­ting the con­text for the out­rage to come. (As she sees it.) For Pope Fran­cis has “cast a pos­i­tive light on a trou­bled Church.” (For lib­er­als, the Church is always “trou­bled.”)

No hope and change for LCWR under Pope Francis.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 16, 2013 • Church Scandals

It seems to me self-evi­dent that the very point of a reli­gion is to advance claims about the Truth. Doc­trine mat­ters. With­out that, you may be any num­ber of things, but you’re not Catholic. And it is not good to have the laity in the pews con­fused about these points. That is why John Paul II was so at pains to point out the need for “alle­giance of mind and heart” to what the Church has taught. That is par­tic­u­lar­ly so for those in reli­gious life. They are the face of the Church to the world. So I am not sure why the LCWR is “shocked” by the Doc­tri­nal Assess­ment of the CDF.

Thoughts on Bishop Fellay and the ugliness of schism.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 11, 2013 • Church Scandals

It pains me to have to write this, because I had great hopes for the reunion of the Soci­ety of St. Pius X (SSPX) with Rome. I had hoped, from all that I had read, that Bish­op Fel­lay was com­mit­ted to achiev­ing rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, and was dis­ap­point­ed to learn that the Con­gre­ga­tion for the Doc­trine of the Faith (CDF) had decid­ed to dis­con­tin­ue fur­ther nego­ta­tions. And it is impos­si­ble to lis­ten to Bp. Fellay’s lat­est talk of nine­ty-plus min­utes and doubt that his love for the Church is sin­cere. How­ev­er, I think that he has done irrepara­ble harm to his Society’s chances for rec­on­cil­i­a­tion.