The singular “they”; and, anthropos in Matt. 13:44.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 1, 2018 • English Grammar; Exegesis


A weird dis­cus­sion broke out on Face­book today; it involved a priest’s change to the read­ing of Matt. 13:44. The NAB reads: “The king­dom of heav­en is like a trea­sure buried in a field, which a per­son finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” The priest seems to have changed “sells all that he has” to “sells all that they have.” That was it, but that was enough for some to com­plain about “pro­gres­sives” and “lib­er­al fem­i­nism” con­spir­ing against our pro­nouns. Noth­ing’s safe any­more, I tell you.

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