Answers for same-sex marriage apologist Matthew Vines.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 7, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology


Matthew Vines, author of God and the Gay Chris­t­ian—in which Mr. Vines claims to give the “bib­li­cal case in sup­port of same-sex rela­tion­ships” — recent­ly post­ed “40 Ques­tions for Chris­tians Who Oppose Mar­riage Equal­i­ty.” “Too often,” Mr. Vines laments, “LGBT-affirm­ing Chris­tians are the only ones asked to explain and defend their views. But there are many press­ing ques­tions that non-affirm­ing Chris­tians fre­quent­ly do not address.” Oh, well, then! These ques­tions have nev­er been answered before! Let me cor­rect this over­sight.

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Remember Lot’s Wife.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 29, 2015 • Exegesis; In the News; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology


It is not mar­riage, what five peo­ple forced upon us all on Fri­day, and can not be mar­riage any more than a square can be round or a hexa­gon rec­tan­gu­lar. What five peo­ple — a major­i­ty by one — forced upon us all on Fri­day was a game of make-believe, a lie. Words mean things, and mar­riage is not just a social arrange­ment entered into by any two peo­ple who may choose. Mar­riage is onto­log­i­cal, root­ed in God’s design of the human per­son for uni­ty and pro­cre­ation. Man was not designed to fit with man, nor woman with woman; and we may not design our own real­i­ty.

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Frank Bruni, of New York Times, hectors Christians: “Bow to the enlightenments of modernity!”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 9, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology; Politics


Mr. Bruni starts off, as do most left­ists who will have their own way, with a pompous and con­de­scend­ing sneer: I’m here to free you, you poor benight­ed sil­ly lit­tle thing, from that need­less lit­tle bit­ty blue blan­ket you cling to. There now, isn’t it bet­ter now that you don’t have to car­ry that fool­ish heavy bur­den around? No, you don’t have to thank me. Then, after that haughty and oily dis­play, the left­ist comes out of the clos­et and screams his brown­shirt demands: “Bow to the enlight­en­ments of moder­ni­ty!” Kneel before Zod!

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Notre Dame professor Dr. Candida Moss says Jesus “wasn’t down with marriage.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 2, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis


Dr. Can­di­da Moss  is all wrought up over the LDS “half-heart­ed shuf­fle toward LGBT equal­i­ty.” Dr. Moss prefers the mad dash over the cliff: When she says “LGBT equal­i­ty,” what she means is “mar­riage equal­i­ty,” in spite of the fact that no one, not even Dr. Moss, believes in any such thing. Would she advo­cate mar­ry­ing your dog? a three-year-old child? the exhumed body of King Tut? So let us get this myth of “mar­riage equal­i­ty” out of our heads from the start. To define mar­riage is to lim­it it, and the real goal is not mar­riage “equal­i­ty” but mar­riage plas­tic­i­ty.

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Mr. X struggles with metaphor, transubstantiation, and John 6.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 29, 2014 • Apologetics; Exegesis; Transubstantiation


Of late, the anony­mous blog­ger, five-point­er, and crack the­olo­gian Tur­ret­inFan — known on this blog as Mr. X—has been strug­gling with the con­cept of metaphor as it applies to John 6. And a very hard strug­gle it has been, too. He argues that the expres­sion “this cup is my blood” should be a clear sign that the text is not meant to be tak­en lit­er­al­ly. For not even Roman Catholics will say that the cup itself is Christ’s blood. The poor man appar­ent­ly needs the help of an Eng­lish teacher.

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Oops! Calvinist pastor Ken Temple appears to say Bible contains mistakes.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 28, 2014 • Apologetics; Exegesis


Do Reformed folks no longer believe in the ple­nary inspi­ra­tion of Scrip­ture? Can Pr. inform me? I mean, as grey an anti-Catholic emi­nence as Loraine Boet­tner him­self was very clear on this point — that to deny the ple­nary inspi­ra­tion of Scrip­ture is a Mod­ernist heresy. Once deny ple­nary inspi­ra­tion, Boet­tner says, and there is “no con­sis­tent stop­ping place.” The very words of Scrip­ture them­selves are God-breathed! So what does Pr. mean when he says that the “lan­guage” of the New Tes­ta­ment on the sac­ri­fi­cial priest­hood was a “big mis­take”?

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Killing Jesus: Could Christ have spoken from the cross?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 6, 2013 • Apologetics; Blind Guides & False Prophets; Book Review; Exegesis; Media Personalities


The best that can be said is that “slow suf­fo­ca­tion” is a debat­ed and unset­tled ques­tion even among med­ical experts. So why is Mr. O’Reilly cer­tain enough on this point that he can deny Christ’s very words from the Cross? Does he have this rev­e­la­tion from the Holy Ghost? And why would the Holy Ghost inspire Mr. O’Reilly to con­tra­dict St. Luke? Did the Holy Ghost mis­lead Luke? Did Luke mis­hear the Holy Ghost? Has the Church been mis­tak­en about the infal­li­bil­i­ty of Luke’s gospel for 2000 years? Should Mar­tin Luther have tak­en that book out of the canon too?

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Mr. Maricle’s ontological error about Mary.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 14, 2013 • Apologetics; Exegesis; Marian Dogmas


Mr. Rho may choose to repeat his clichés and sopho­moric talk­ing points like vain rep­e­ti­tions that mag­i­cal­ly make Reformed the­ol­o­gy true with­out the bur­den or log­ic or evi­dence or proof. How­ev­er many times he chants “Mary is dead” over the beads in his hand, it does not change Jesus’s words in Mark 12:18 – 27. How­ev­er many times he insists on mock­ing prayers to Mary, it does not change the fact that she is alive in heav­en. The super­nat­ur­al is a dif­fer­ent cat­e­go­ry of being than the nat­ur­al. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion does not take place the same way.

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The apostles are also θεόπνευστος, Dr.* White.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 31, 2013 • Apologetics; Exegesis


A read­er with the improb­a­ble name of “Rooney” dares to dis­pute my claim that the Greek word theop­neustos applies as much to John 20:21 – 23. My point, from an ear­li­er com­ment in the same thread, was that Dr.* James White (Th.D., D.Min., etc., etc.) is wrong to say that the Scrip­tures alone are “God-breathed.” He may say it until he runs out of breath — for that seems to be his goal — but he will still be wrong. As evi­dence, I quot­ed this sin­gu­lar pas­sage from John, where­in Christ appears to the dis­ci­ples after the Res­ur­rec­tion and breathes on them.

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Baptism now saves you; remember your baptism.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 14, 2013 • Apologetics; Exegesis; Liturgical Year; Sacraments


God has a remark­able pro­cliv­i­ty for accom­plish­ing his work through the mate­r­i­al things of this earth – but fore­most among them, pos­si­bly, is water. At the very begin­ning of cre­ation, God is said to be “mov­ing over the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:2). Before God has cre­at­ed any­thing spe­cif­ic or con­crete, water exists. He cre­ates the “heav­ens and the earth,” but as yet they are “with­out form and void.” They are just the raw mate­ri­als, cre­at­ed ex nihi­lo. But there is water; when God says, “let there be light,” his spir­it is upon the waters.

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