Salvation history according to Donald Trump.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 3, 2017 • Humor

Let me tell you—people say I don’t read, that’s fake news—I read a book about Adam. Slow­ly. Cause this is a big job, peo­ple say you did a lot in busi­ness, but this is a big job—bigger than I thought it would be. So I don’t have as much time to read, but I read it. It took 100 days. But Adam—people don’t know this—Adam, he was a tough guy, had to be, the first man, but he had a big heart. May have been his one flaw, you know, too big a heart, and Eve tricked him. Sad. But you got­ta give the guy his heart. But Mela­nia would nev­er do what Eve did, let me tell you.

A modest proposal for increasing the relevance of Holy Mass.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 3, 2014 • Humor

Just as the priest sched­ules sac­ristans and Extra­or­di­nary Min­is­ters before each Mass, so he will sched­ule team cap­tains. The team cap­tains will sta­tion them­selves at their assigned row of pews 30 min­utes before the start of each Mass. Those who arrive ear­ly will have their choice of cap­tain. Those who arrive late will have to accept whichev­er cap­tain has remain­ing seats. That will ensure that peo­ple will have the nec­es­sary zeal to arrive at Mass ear­ly; pos­si­bly smash­ing into each other’s cars in the park­ing lot and rac­ing each oth­er down and tail­gat­ing.

Seven anathemas on Super Bowl Sunday: 7QT XII, seriatim.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 1, 2014 • Humor; Seven Quick Takes

Why so much mad­ness and hys­te­ria over what is, in the end, noth­ing more than a game? Is there a ratio­nal rea­son why this game, of all games in the long cal­en­dar of the year, should cre­ate such zeal and rage? Why is it an excuse for adver­tis­ers to go nuts to com­pete for spots so that they can prick our lust for things? (Didn’t the pope warn of this?) But they do so because our nation’s unholy deleri­um over a game lets them know they have the whole nation bound and cap­tive and pos­si­bly drugged on — beer, if we’re lucky.

Dr.* James White, apologist for the Romanism of Steve Green.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 5, 2013 • Apologetics; Humor

What sur­prised me most was the pains Dr.* White took to praise a Steve Green song from sev­er­al decades back, enti­tled “Find Us Faith­ful.” He even took the trou­ble to put up a sep­a­rate blog post embed­ded with two—two!—YouTube videos of the song. What’s sur­pris­ing about this is that I would have sus­pect­ed Mr. Green’s song to have raised the ire of Dr.* White far more than “Jesus Friend of Sin­ners.” What do I mean? Well, take a lis­ten to the song, and you’ll dis­cov­er that “Find Us Faith­ful” is not much bet­ter than a sell-out to Roman­ism.