The horrible, dangerous things the Catechism and Vatican II say about Islam.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 31, 2017 • Islam; Vatican II


You may have read that cafe­te­ria Catholic Steve Sko­jec has pro­nounced the anath­e­ma of One Luther Five upon the Cat­e­chism and Vat­i­can II. (Or, at least, upon what those texts have to say about Islam.) “Dan­ger­ous wish­ful think­ing!” Mr. Sko­jec cried on Twit­ter. “The Cat­e­chism isn’t infal­li­ble on this top­ic,” he con­tin­ued in his bull. So always being will­ing to fol­low up a claim, even one uttered in a cafe­te­ria, I decid­ed to go and see for myself what dan­ger­ous errors the pil­lar and ground of truth is pro­mot­ing in such key texts. And I find that Sko­jec is right to be alarmed.

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Muslims are “brothers and sisters in the faith of Abraham.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 9, 2016 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Islam


This is not, or need not be, com­pli­cat­ed: Catholics, Protes­tants, the East­ern Ortho­dox, Jews, and Mus­lims all wor­ship the same god. The dif­fer­ence is in what they believe about him. But regard­less of what they believe about him, the god they wor­ship is the god of Abra­ham. Dr. Shabir Ally (he’s a Mus­lim schol­ar and apol­o­gist) does not wor­ship some dif­fer­ent divine fig­ure than Pope Fran­cis does. Now, the Church affirms all this in Nos­tra Aetate. Lumen Gen­tium says the same thing, as do Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Bene­dict XVI. Write them off if you can.

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