Mr. X (TurretinFan) is upset, again, about a Coptic MS. misattributed to Athanasius.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 9, 2021 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Marian Dogmas

The crack apol­o­gist and five­point Calvin­ist who calls him­self “Tur­ret­inFan,” and who is known to us as Mr. X, first got upset about this man­u­script in 2008. Then, he got upset again in 2009. Now in 2021, after a blog­ging sab­bat­i­cal of six weeks, he has decid­ed to let us know that he is upset again. Maybe that explains his absence; he couldn’t bring him­self to log onto his blog and has spent the days in severe prayer. I don’t know. It’s not hard to imag­ine why Mr. X is so upset; the man­su­cript in ques­tion is the “Homi­ly of the Papyrus of Turin” [HPT]. The (lost) orig­i­nal dates to around the 4th cen­tu­ry — the one extant man­u­script is from the 6th — and Catholic apol­o­gists like to cite it as an ear­ly exam­ple of Mar­i­an ven­er­a­tion.

Does Jesus object to Marian veneration in Luke 11:28?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 7, 2021 • Apologetics; Marian Dogmas

Luke 11:28 is a com­mon anti-Mar­i­an proof­text, and our old friend Tur­ret­inFan — known on this blog as Mr. X — revives it in a recent blog post from July. In Luke’s gospel, a woman approach­es Christ and says, “Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked.” Jesus replies, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” The anti-Mar­i­an apol­o­gist claims that, by these words, Jesus rejects Mar­i­an ven­er­a­tion. Accord­ing to Mr. X, “blessed is the womb that bore thee” is “the ear­li­est record we have of some­thing approach[ing] Mar­i­an ven­er­a­tion.”

The woman of the Apocalypse according to popes.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 4, 2015 • Apologetics; Marian Dogmas

In a recent post, Steve “Pur­ple” Hays of Fail­ablogue (he calls it Tri­ablogue) tries to pit those wicked “lay Catholic pop apol­o­gists” against “their reli­gious supe­ri­ors” in the USCCB. The USCCB says the woman clothed with the sun is the Church, and Hays will side wth the bish­ops. That’s progress. Per­haps, then, he’ll also side with the bish­op of Rome. Pius X, Pius XII, Paul VI, and John Paul II have said the woman clothed with the sun is also Mary. And before you cry, “Con­tra­dic­tion!” Hay­dock­’s Com­men­tary of 1859 says the woman clothed with the sun is Israel, the Church, and Mary.

Mr. Maricle’s ontological error about Mary.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 14, 2013 • Apologetics; Exegesis; Marian Dogmas

Mr. Rho may choose to repeat his clichés and sopho­moric talk­ing points like vain rep­e­ti­tions that mag­i­cal­ly make Reformed the­ol­o­gy true with­out the bur­den or log­ic or evi­dence or proof. How­ev­er many times he chants “Mary is dead” over the beads in his hand, it does not change Jesus’s words in Mark 12:18 – 27. How­ev­er many times he insists on mock­ing prayers to Mary, it does not change the fact that she is alive in heav­en. The super­nat­ur­al is a dif­fer­ent cat­e­go­ry of being than the nat­ur­al. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion does not take place the same way.