Archbishop Chaput calls Pope Francis a pig. Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome, Vol. XXX.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 23, 2021 • Media Personalities; Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Cha­put, writ­ing at First Things, is all wrought up by the thought that Pope Fran­cis has suround­ed him­self with toad­ies and there­fore can’t han­dle con­struc­tive crit­i­cism from his loy­al ser­vant Ray­mond Arroyo. He would impress upon our minds a “lit­tle wis­dom” from St. Bernard of Clair­vaux. Bernard wrote: “The most griev­ous dan­ger for any pope lies in the fact that, encom­passed as he is by flat­ter­ers, he nev­er hears the truth about his own per­son and ends by not wish­ing to hear it.” I sup­pose, though Cha­put does not men­tion a lit­tle wis­dom from St. Cather­ine of Siena.

Everything you need to know about Ben Shapiro, in one tweet.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 12, 2019 • Debates; Media Personalities

Ben Shapiro, as you will have heard, was “destroyed” in an inter­view with BBC jour­nal­ist Andrew Neil. Even Mr. Shapiro admits to his destruc­tion, upon which he cried: “I’m pop­u­lar and no one’s ever heard of you!” and ran away. (Embrace the argu­men­tum ad pop­u­lum.) If you’ve not heard about this, the gist of it is that Shapiro was first trig­gered by Neil’s descrip­tion of the Geor­gia abor­tion law as “bar­bar­ic” and a “return to the Dark Ages”; and then, he grew increas­ing­ly petu­lant as Neil con­front­ed him with his own tweets.

Heresy in the defense of Milo.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 5, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Media Personalities

A debate has bro­ken out fol­low­ing Patrick Coffin’s deci­sion to invite Milo Yiannopou­los on his radio show. Cof­fin used to be at Catholic Answers; Milo is in a same-sex mar­riage but presents him­self as a crit­ic of Pope Fran­cis and “homo­sex­u­al­ist lead­ers” in the Church. There’s your irony for today. When he was Car­di­nal Bergoglio, Pope Fran­cis said that same-sex mar­riage is a “machi­na­tion of the father of lies.” Milo, who is in a same-sex mar­riage, says Pope Fran­cis is not tough enough on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, and Faith­ful­Catholics™ swoon.

An open letter to Mr. Rush Limbaugh on Pope Francis.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • December 11, 2013 • Media Personalities; Pope Francis

Dear Mr. Lim­baugh: No one is try­ing to make you the “vil­lain” in a “soap opera” about the pope, as you claim. Okay, yes, there is a nut­ty left-wing group, pro­mot­ed by Media Mat­ters, who is out there gath­er­ing sig­na­tures for some dumb peti­tion. But all that is street the­ater. They hard­ly speak for the many seri­ous and ortho­dox Catholics who for good rea­sons object to your claim that the pope is a Marx­ist. I have not heard you men­tion them. Now don’t you think that’s odd? You may, for exam­ple, have read my own rebut­tal; I sent it to you.

Killing Jesus: Could Christ have spoken from the cross?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 6, 2013 • Apologetics; Blind Guides & False Prophets; Book Review; Exegesis; Media Personalities

The best that can be said is that “slow suf­fo­ca­tion” is a debat­ed and unset­tled ques­tion even among med­ical experts. So why is Mr. O’Reilly cer­tain enough on this point that he can deny Christ’s very words from the Cross? Does he have this rev­e­la­tion from the Holy Ghost? And why would the Holy Ghost inspire Mr. O’Reilly to con­tra­dict St. Luke? Did the Holy Ghost mis­lead Luke? Did Luke mis­hear the Holy Ghost? Has the Church been mis­tak­en about the infal­li­bil­i­ty of Luke’s gospel for 2000 years? Should Mar­tin Luther have tak­en that book out of the canon too?