“The Collapse of Dave Armstrong.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 12, 2023 • False Report; On Other Blogs

For­give my title; they’re not my words, but David Griffey’s. In his post on Jan­u­ary 9, Mr. Grif­fey tells us that it’s a new year, and in this new year he’s grown tired of blog­ging about issues and pol­i­tics. He, Mr. Grif­fey, is “no writer,” he says. He’s not “invest­ed” in it. But Mark Shea, once upon a time before he became a mean and angry heretic, sug­gest­ed that Grif­fey start a blog; and Grif­fey did; and his blog took off, even though it involved a lot of hit­ting his head against a brick wall. He want­ed to quit many times, but polit­i­cal con­tro­ver­sy drew him back in—and a pity too, because polit­i­cal con­tro­ver­sy amounts to noth­ing more than peo­ple call­ing each oth­er Hitler. And after explain­ing all this to us in a remark­able ram­ble, Grif­fey final­ly gets around to talk­ing about—who else?—Dave Arm­strong!

Mary Pezzulo does the hard work I can’t do on Lauren Handy

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 6, 2022 • On Other Blogs; Pro-Life Issues

Mary writes: “Mean­while I have seen many, many peo­ple whose birth trau­ma or trau­mat­ic mem­o­ries of abor­tion were trig­gered by the pho­tos and videos the past sev­er­al days, lead­ing to ter­ri­ble suf­fer­ing. I have seen many, many pro-choice peo­ple more con­vinced than ever that pro-lif­ers are ghoul­ish and insane. I have seen no minds or hearts changed. None at all. Graph­ic and dis­turb­ing atten­tion-seek­ing media cir­cus­es don’t change people’s minds about abor­tion. If they did, they would have by now. We’ve had many. They don’t work.”

On David Griffey’s inability to read a simple argument.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 28, 2021 • On Other Blogs

Over on the apt­ly-named Daf­fey Thoughts, David Grif­fey attempts, inept­ly, to decon­struct my blog post expos­ing some Catholics’ idol­a­trous atti­tude about Scott Hahn. “Most con­ser­v­a­tive Catholics I know,” Grif­fey blares in his head­line, “do not believe Scott Hahn is the fourth mem­ber of the Holy Trin­i­ty.” Only “most”? Does Grif­fey mean to sug­gest that some con­ser­v­a­tive Catholics do think that Hahn is the fourth mem­ber of the Trin­i­ty? Fact is, I don’t know any­body who thinks that a trin­i­ty has four per­sons (that would be impos­si­ble), still less that Scott Hahn is one of those per­sons. Nor did I sug­gest any such thing in my post

When compassion is superior to apologetics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 18, 2020 • Apologetics; On Other Blogs

When some­one is wound­ed — whether it’s a par­ent who lost a child and blames God, or some­one who’s been sex­u­al­ly abused and is strug­gling to fig­ure out who they are, or some­one who’s been false­ly accused by peo­ple he knew — the last thing they are look­ing for is the Right Answers. And cer­tain­ly they’re not look­ing to be inter­ro­gat­ed by some­one who wants to know if they’re still fol­low­ing all the moral laws. There are times when this kind of response only makes their hurt worse. They want love.Apologetics has an impor­tant place, but this is what God revealed to Julian of Nor­wich: “I saw that God is to us every­thing which is good and com­fort­ing for our help. God is our cloth­ing, who wraps and enfolds us for love, embraces us and shel­ters us, sur­rounds us for love, which is so ten­der that God may nev­er desert us.”

Saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Hays.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 9, 2020 • Blogging & Writing; On Other Blogs


America Magazine asks: What do we owe the office of the papacy?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 22, 2020 • On Other Blogs; papacy

Fr. Bill McCormick asks the ques­tion in con­nec­tion with a dis­cus­sion that arose after two arti­cles by Mas­si­mo Fag­gi­oli in La Croix Inter­na­tion­al. Michael Sean Win­ters had a response at the Nation­al Catholic Reporter and Pedro Gabriel at Where Peter Is. That’s just the back­ground; Dr. Fag­gi­oli is a Face­book friend of mine, thinks the Amer­i­ca arti­cle mis­rep­re­sents his argu­ment, and I don’t wish to wade into that dis­pute. My pur­pose is just to add a few foot­notes where I think Fr. McCormick gets the answer to his ques­tion exact­ly right.

I am one of the “New Papolaters,” according to One Luther Five.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 29, 2019 • On Other Blogs

There I was, dear read­er, mind­ing my own busi­ness when I noticed a sud­den spike in traf­fic com­ing from a post at One Luther Five. Some­one named Eric Sam­mons had just accused me of “idol­a­try.” How cute; I had to dou­ble check that I wasn’t read­ing some anti-Catholic, King James Only­ist blog. I wasn’t alone — the oth­er “new pap­o­laters” (you have to fol­low Mr. Sam­mons’ links to find out who they are, because he doesn’t name us in the text) are Austen Iver­eigh, Dawn Eden Gold­stein, Rich Raho, Mas­si­mo Fag­gi­oli, and Mike Lewis. So I’m in good com­pa­ny.

The desperate need love and mercy, not judgment.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 2, 2019 • Church Social Teaching; On Other Blogs

Yes­ter­day my very excel­lent fel­low Patheos blog­ger Mary Pez­zu­lo asks: What Must a Chris­t­ian Do For the Help­less? Her answer is that we must “con­form our­selves to Christ” and what he would do. When we see the help­less, we must live in imi­ta­tion of Christ; the imi­ta­tion of Christ is not just for when we are feel­ing pious at ado­ra­tion. Still less is it for when we take to our blogs and defend, nei­ther Christ nor the help­less, but our­selves. Christ nev­er, Mary points out, blamed the help­less for being help­less. Nei­ther do I con­demn you.

On the limits of apologetics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 30, 2019 • Apologetics; On Other Blogs

Now, I do Catholic apolo­get­ics myself, and I love read­ing Catholic apolo­get­ics, and Catholic apolo­get­ics helped to bring me into the Church. So I am not at all averse to a pre­sen­ta­tion of ratio­nal rea­sons for a posi­tion. When I was a kid, my moth­er used to defuse argu­ments by telling me that I should become a lawyer because I love to argue. But argu­ment worked with me when I was in the process of con­vert­ing to Catholi­cism because an argu­ment in favor of the faith was what I was look­ing for. I had already opened my mind.

David Wanat calls the pope’s critics to task.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 30, 2016 • On Other Blogs

“I do not believe,” says David Wanat in an excel­lent arti­cle, “a per­son can with­hold loy­al­ty and respect to the Pope in small mat­ters with­out even­tu­al­ly becom­ing dis­loy­al and dis­re­spect­ful in great mat­ters. Our Lord warns us in Luke 16:10 … “ The per­son who is trust­wor­thy in very small mat­ters is also trust­wor­thy in great ones; and the per­son who is dis­hon­est in very small mat­ters is also dis­hon­est in great ones.” If we can’t trust a per­son to be respect­ful and loy­al to the Pope in small mat­ters, how can we trust him to be faith­ful in large mat­ters?”

An article by Steve Skojec I admire.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • On Other Blogs

At Cri­sis in 2010, Steve Sko­jec sound­ed very dif­fer­ent than he does in 2016. Darth Vad­er used to be Anakin Sky­walk­er. “Con­dem­na­tions,” he said, “judg­ments, spe­cious argu­ments, and morose dis­po­si­tions do no favors for our cause, or its future. We’ve got some­thing great going on, and it’s about time we act­ed like it.” About time indeed. Is that the mis­sion of 1 Vad­er 5? Or is it a cri­tique of 1 Vad­er 5? Per­haps Sko­jec should read it again and let us know. It’s called “They will Know We Are Trad­dies By Our Love.” What hap­pened to him? Does any­one know?

Steve Skojec of 1 Vader 5 embraces his inner Sith.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 29, 2016 • On Other Blogs

It was bound to hap­pen. I am glad I could help con­tribute, entire­ly as a free gift, to the mer­chan­dis­ing of One Vad­er Five. Now, per­haps, they’ll be able to afford that Death Star they’ve always talked about build­ing. Join them, Catholics, give in to your anger, and they will com­plete your train­ing.