Here’s your chance to convince me to vote for Trump.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 15, 2016 • Politics


But here are the argu­ments you can not use: You can­not make “Trump has promised” appeals. If all you have is what Trump has “promised” to do, you have noth­ing. Trump claims to have changed his posi­tion. How do I know this is not mere expe­di­en­cy as he trumps for votes? Why are Trump’s mere promis­es enough to make me over­look every­thing else? “Trump said it, I believe it, that set­tles it” is no argu­ment. It’s a pinky swear. And you can’t tell me how awful Hillary is or how awful abor­tion is, because I know all that already.

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Vote Republican to stop abortion! and other myths.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 23, 2016 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Trump sup­port­ers over­nu­mer­ous for men­tion promise, with prog­nos­ti­ca­tion and crys­tal-ball cer­tain­ty, that a vote for Trump will help the pro-life cause of stop­ping abor­tion, and this mat­ters above all. He will pro­mote the right leg­is­la­tion, he will appoint the right jus­tices. Right. Now it so hap­pens that facts mat­ter in this dis­cus­sion, and because facts mat­ter, I went and checked how the indi­vid­ual jus­tices vot­ed in Roe v. Wade, and then checked out who appoint­ed them. Turns out five of the sev­en jus­tices were Repub­li­can appointees. Facts mat­ter.

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No, the pope is not “bossing around” the U.S. on border wall.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 22, 2016 • Politics; Pope Francis


As for Ann Coul­ter, she has this sense that it is all well and good to be Catholic, as long as your first loy­al­ty is to Amer­i­ca (by which she means a par­tic­u­lar­ly crude form of nation­al­ism). If your loy­al­ty is to Church teach­ing and the Vic­ar of Christ, then you are a “ROMAN Catholic” as opposed to an “AMERICAN” one. You may even be a trai­tor! She mix­es this with good old-fash­ioned Know Nothingism, a form of Amer­i­can anti-Catholi­cism that fears the pope will reach his arm across the Atlantic and med­dle in Amer­i­can pol­i­tics. Remem­ber 1960?

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Seven reasons to vote for Donald Trump. 7QT XXII, seriatim.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 14, 2016 • Politics; Seven Quick Takes


It’s time we admit­ted, dear read­er, that there are in fact sev­en rea­sons why Don­ald Trump should be the next pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. Let us con­sid­er not only that he alone can beat Hillary Clin­ton, but all the ways in which Mr. Trump is moral­ly supe­ri­or to Hillary Clin­ton. Don­ald Trump is …  


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Frank Bruni, of New York Times, hectors Christians: “Bow to the enlightenments of modernity!”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 9, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology; Politics


Mr. Bruni starts off, as do most left­ists who will have their own way, with a pompous and con­de­scend­ing sneer: I’m here to free you, you poor benight­ed sil­ly lit­tle thing, from that need­less lit­tle bit­ty blue blan­ket you cling to. There now, isn’t it bet­ter now that you don’t have to car­ry that fool­ish heavy bur­den around? No, you don’t have to thank me. Then, after that haughty and oily dis­play, the left­ist comes out of the clos­et and screams his brown­shirt demands: “Bow to the enlight­en­ments of moder­ni­ty!” Kneel before Zod!

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Aborted ethics and wrongful liabilities: What hath the Court wrought?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 30, 2015 • In the News; Politics; Pro-Life Issues


You will have heard, I take it, of a recent “wrong­ful birth” law­suit. The Dai­ly Screech report­ed on it in August: After an amnio­cen­te­sis, par­ents were told they had a healthy baby. Turned out, baby has Syn­drome Z. Turned out, the med­ical office had mis­read the results. So par­ents sued on the premise that they would have abort­ed the baby if only they had known about the Syn­drome Z. This was not a unique case; half of all U.S. states rec­og­nize “wrong­ful birth” as a cause of action, and one cou­ple was award­ed a full $50 mil­lion in such a suit.

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A primer on moral law, with reference to same-sex marriage.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 20, 2013 • LGBT Issues; Moral Theology; Politics


Not even Christo­pher Hitchens believed in moral rel­a­tiv­i­ty. Those who claim to believe in it prob­a­bly mean instead, “I don’t want to be both­ered with what you Chris­tians tell me I ought or ought not do.” But that’s dif­fer­ent. Behind every claim to moral rel­a­tiv­i­ty is some­one mak­ing an excuse, either for him­self or for some­one else. He knows the behav­ior in ques­tion is wrong, but is attached to it, or per­haps does not wish to make the nec­es­sary effort to cor­rect it. Per­haps he feels it would require too much effort. Or per­haps he doesn’t wish to give offense.

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A primer on rights, with reference to same-sex marriage.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 13, 2013 • LGBT Issues; Moral Theology; Politics


Of things that exist, some exist by nature, some from oth­er caus­es.” That is the open­ing of Book II of Aristotle’s Physics, and is the begin­ning of all cor­rect rea­son. A tree exists by nature, but a park is made by man. For Aristotle’s “nature,” the Chris­t­ian will sub­sti­tute God; Aquinas improves on Aris­to­tle. Thus of things that exist, some are cre­at­ed by God and some by man. And since they are, in fact, cre­at­ed, it fol­lows that they are cre­at­ed for a pur­pose. It fol­lows, too, that their pur­pose is defined by the mak­er alone. With that in mind, we can turn to Jef­fer­son.

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Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams lectures the Church on same-sex marriage.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 11, 2013 • LGBT Issues; Moral Theology; Politics


First we’re going to talk about lan­guage. It behooves any who be hon­est to get the expres­sion “mar­riage equal­i­ty” out of his head. No one believes in any such thing. I doubt very much that Mary Eliz­a­beth Williams believes in it. I would be stu­pe­fied into a coma if she told me she thought it was all good and well if I were to mar­ry two women; or two men; or one woman and one man; or my cat; or a three-year-old child; or six cows; or the exhumed body of King Tut. The rea­son she does not believe I may do these things is because she does not believe in mar­riage equal­i­ty.

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Of course you have religious freedom. Except when the State says you don’t. Deconstructing the absolute statism of combox junkie Doug Indeap (if that is his name).

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 2, 2013 • Politics


If you go to the search engines and look for “Doug Indeap,” you might have a hard time fig­ur­ing out where or what his prac­tice is. I don’t doubt that he has one. (David Ivester is an envi­ron­men­tal, not a Con­sti­tu­tion­al, lawyer.) But if the pages and pages of returns from Google are any indi­ca­tion, his alter ego Doug Indeap spends a pro­fuse vol­ume of time trolling Catholic and con­ser­v­a­tive blogs and using the com­box­es to instruct us all in his own firm belief in sta­tism and, in par­tic­u­lar, a squeez­ing­ly cramped and claus­tro­pho­bic inter­pre­ta­tion of first amend­ment reli­gious free­dom.

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