Mr. Pavone admits to CNA: I told my bishop to shut up and leave me alone.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 18, 2023 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; priesthood


When CNA report­ed that the Vat­i­can had defrocked Mr. Pavone, he com­plained that he had no idea. “How did CNA learn about this before I did?” he cried. He wants us to believe he rose one morn­ing in the pink of inno­cence, said the Office, made his cof­fee and got online, read CNA, and sat there astonied. Appar­ent­ly the Vat­i­can defrocked him and decid­ed not to tell him. That’s cred­i­ble. But now, Pavone tells CNA that it may have got­ten lost in the stacks and stacks of mail that come in to Priests for Life. “I have no idea what they sent me,” said the befud­dled Pavone. “The com­mu­ni­ca­tion broke down a long time ago. They may indeed have sent some­thing. I sim­ply didn’t see it.”

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Yes, Christ ordained his apostles as priests.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 2, 2017 • Apologetics; Exegesis; priesthood


That this is author­i­ta­tive Catholic teach­ing we know from the Cat­e­chism, as well as from the Coun­cil of Trent. But we also know this by ref­er­ence to the Greek text of the New Tes­ta­ment, from the Didache, from J.N.D. Kel­ly, and a cross-ref­er­ence to Exo­dus 29:38 in the Greek Sep­tu­agint, in which the word used describ­ing the sac­ri­fice of a priest is the very same word that Christ uses in Luke 22:19 when he says “Do this in remem­brance of me.” He is telling them, “Sac­ri­fice this,” which means he is ordain­ing them; for only a priest can offer a sac­ri­fice.

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Do priests rob Christ of his high priesthood? Part 2 of a series on John Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 1, 2015 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics; priesthood


“Satan,” John Calvin says at the begin­ning of Insti­tutes of the Chris­t­ian Reli­gion, IV.18, “has attempt­ed to adul­ter­ate and envel­op the sacred Sup­per of Christ as with thick dark­ness.” Those are high words. How has Satan done this? you may ask. Oh, it was “with most pesti­len­tial error,” Calvin tells us. For lo! “he blind­ed almost the whole world into the belief that the Mass was a sac­ri­fice and obla­tion for obtain­ing the remis­sion of sins.” Calvin has no patience for any­one who holds to any such idea as that; he describes it as “the com­mon opin­ion of the vul­gar.”

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