So the Court overturned Roe. The price was far too high. The 1/6 insurrectionists and those who support or condone them still loom over future elections, and the same Trump who made 1/6 possible, who egged those traitors on, and who pals around with anti-Semites, still holds the GOP and GOP voters hostage to his ego and his desire for power. The GOP has been overtaken by nationalists, which is just a polite word for fascists. Anti-abortion states lust to exact retributive justice on women who, once upon a time before Roe, were understood to be victims in need of compassion. I’d rather have Roe back and lose all those other things. Quod scripsi, scripsi.
I was wrong about Trump & Roe, but Dobbs is a Pyrrhic victory.
BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 16, 2023 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues