I was wrong about Trump & Roe, but Dobbs is a Pyrrhic victory.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 16, 2023 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues


So the Court over­turned Roe. The price was far too high. The 1/6 insur­rec­tion­ists and those who sup­port or con­done them still loom over future elec­tions, and the same Trump who made 1/6 pos­si­ble, who egged those trai­tors on, and who pals around with anti-Semi­tes, still holds the GOP and GOP vot­ers hostage to his ego and his desire for pow­er. The GOP has been over­tak­en by nation­al­ists, which is just a polite word for fas­cists. Anti-abor­tion states lust to exact ret­ribu­tive jus­tice on women who, once upon a time before Roe, were under­stood to be vic­tims in need of com­pas­sion. I’d rather have Roe back and lose all those oth­er things. Quod scrip­si, scrip­si.

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Bishop Zurek: Fr. Pavone may have exhumed baby from pro-Trump video.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 4, 2023 • Church Scandals; Pro-Life Issues


Amar­il­lo bish­op Patrick Zurek makes the charge about exhuma­tion a let­ter to Pavone dat­ed May 5, 2017. The pur­pose of the let­ter was to demand that Pavone ask to be lai­cized. If Pavone did not request it him­self, Bish­op Zurek would ask Pope Fran­cis to lai­cize him invol­un­tar­i­ly. In the let­ter, Zurek cites two grounds for this course of action: (1) Pavone’s “incor­ri­gi­ble” dis­obe­di­ence; (2) Pavone’s exploita­tion of a dead baby for par­ti­san polit­i­cal pur­pos­es. In the mid­dle of all that, Zurek includes an extra­or­di­nary para­graph.

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Mary Pezzulo does the hard work I can’t do on Lauren Handy

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 6, 2022 • On Other Blogs; Pro-Life Issues


Mary writes: “Mean­while I have seen many, many peo­ple whose birth trau­ma or trau­mat­ic mem­o­ries of abor­tion were trig­gered by the pho­tos and videos the past sev­er­al days, lead­ing to ter­ri­ble suf­fer­ing. I have seen many, many pro-choice peo­ple more con­vinced than ever that pro-lif­ers are ghoul­ish and insane. I have seen no minds or hearts changed. None at all. Graph­ic and dis­turb­ing atten­tion-seek­ing media cir­cus­es don’t change people’s minds about abor­tion. If they did, they would have by now. We’ve had many. They don’t work.”

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Exploitation of the dead is not pro-life. It is contempt for life.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 4, 2022 • In the News; Pro-Life Issues


By now you’ve all heard the hor­rif­ic details about Lau­ren Handy, the so-called pro-life activist who was keep­ing five frozen fetus­es in her home. There are still unan­swered ques­tions about how these dead bod­ies were obtained, and whether they were all (or if any of them were) actu­al­ly abort­ed; for exam­ple, one was still intact and attached to the pla­cen­ta, and anoth­er was en caul. There is some spec­u­la­tion that Handy, with or with­out the group she belongs to (Pro­gres­sive Anti-Abor­tion Upris­ing, or PAAU), intend­ed to use the corpses in a pub­lic­i­ty stunt of some sort. I don’t know. My friend Mary Pez­zu­lo at Steel Mag­ni­fi­cat writes about all of it here, and you should read her arti­cle. It’s the only real­ly good thing I’ve read about the whole ugly sto­ry.

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Catholic Answers says sleeping with spouse under coercion a lesser evil than contraception.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 20, 2021 • Moral Theology; Pro-Life Issues


And that’s false. Gaudi­um et Spes 27: “What­ev­er is opposed to life itself, such as any type of mur­der, geno­cide, abor­tion, euthana­sia or wil­ful self-destruc­tion, what­ev­er vio­lates the integri­ty of the human per­son, such as muti­la­tion, tor­ments inflict­ed on body or mind, attempts to coerce the will itself; what­ev­er insults human dig­ni­ty, such as sub­hu­man liv­ing con­di­tions, arbi­trary impris­on­ment, depor­ta­tion, slav­ery, pros­ti­tu­tion, the sell­ing of women and chil­dren; as well as dis­grace­ful work­ing con­di­tions, where men are treat­ed as mere tools for prof­it, rather than as free and respon­si­ble per­sons; all these things and oth­ers of their like are infamies indeed. They poi­son human soci­ety, but they do more harm to those who prac­tice them than those who suf­fer from the injury. More­over, they are supreme dis­hon­or to the Cre­ator.”

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Bishop Strickland promotes heresy on baptism.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 10, 2021 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Politics; Pro-Life Issues; Sacraments


Nan­cy Pelosi had an audi­ence with the pope, and as sure as Old Faith­ful will blow, right-wing Catholics proved them­selves faith­ful. Among them was Joseph Strick­land, the bish­op of Tyler, Texas; who mount­ed his pul­pit on Twit­ter and declared, with all the solem­ni­ty of an edict, that Pelosi was not even a mem­ber of the Catholic Church. “Claim­ing to be Catholic is easy,” he tweet­ed. “Liv­ing the Catholic faith cen­tered in Jesus Christ is extreme­ly hard. As long as Nan­cy pro­motes the slaugh­ter of the unborn she is not a mem­ber of the Catholic faith cen­tered in Jesus.” Stop there.

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Anti-Abortion Fetishist Cardinal Burke says President Biden is an “apostate.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 5, 2021 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Poor Ray­mond Burke, a prince of the Church, who every­one tells me is a canon lawyer, doesn’t seem to know his canon law. He seems to think Joe Biden is an “apos­tate” who can be excom­municated over being pro-choice. (That is to say, Mr. Biden thinks that abor­tion should be legal, not nec­es­sar­i­ly that abor­tion is good.) I’m afraid both claims are false, and we can dis­patch with both of them quick­ly. On the lat­ter point, canon law express­ly lays out what a Catholic may be excom­mu­ni­cat­ed for, and dis­agree­ing with the Church’s teach­ing about legal abor­tion is not one of them.

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Ben Shapiro producer: Property more valuable than life.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 26, 2020 • Pro-Life Issues


In the main he’s get­ting dumped on for this, which is encour­ag­ing. Bor­e­ing is deeply con­fused. If some­one breaks into your prop­er­ty, you cer­tain­ly do have a right to defend your­self with lethal force—but only if your own life or safe­ty is at stake. If some­one is in your dri­ve­way beat­ing up your car with a base­ball bat, you’re not allowed to kill him. Only defense of life mer­its tak­ing anoth­er life, nev­er defense of prop­er­ty. In a riot, police cer­tain­ly have the right to use dead­ly force against riot­ers, but they’re quelling the riot in order to pro­tect the lives and the safe­ty of per­sons, includ­ing their own.

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Perennial quadrennial errors about Catholicism and political commitment.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 29, 2020 • Catholic Church; Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Fr. Frank Pavone, despite being forced by anony­mous “Church author­i­ties” to resign from Trump’s re-elec­tion cam­paign (i.e., in an “offi­cial” capac­i­ty), keeps insist­ing that Catholic cler­gy some­how ought to be call­ing out the immoral­i­ty of “Democ­rats.” No one can seem to find out to whom Pavone is account­able. At the same time, ran­dom strangers in social media keep try­ing to bul­ly Catholic vot­ers who plan to vote for Joe Biden. Actu­al Church teach­ing takes a dim view of both stances. [Read more.]

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“Corona Rusty” Reno shows us how you promote the Culture of Death.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 14, 2020 • Pro-Life Issues


You have a Cul­ture of Life when you act and talk as though every life is of equal val­ue and equal­ly worth car­ing for and sav­ing. And part of how you do that, when you have a pan­dem­ic like COVID-19, is by wear­ing a face mask. Wear­ing a face mask is not about the per­son doing the wear­ing, it’s about every­one else you might infect. It’s about the 80-year-old Rosary-pray­ing grand­moth­er you pass in the super­mar­ket, and it’s also about the home­less dia­bet­ic you ignore on your way there.

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Of course gun control is not a pro-life issue. Gun violence is.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 5, 2020 • Pro-Life Issues


Self-described pro-lif­ers have a jeal­ousy issue about abor­tion. Pro­pose the exis­tence of oth­er pro-life issues and they get exas­per­at­ed. Where does it end? Is the kitchen sink a pro-life issue too? More than one pro-life issue “waters down” oppo­si­tion to abor­tion, they say. They’re like the child who fears a new baby in the fam­i­ly means mom and dad will start to love them less. Should we lim­it fam­i­lies to one child to be gen­uine­ly pro-life? Pope St. John Paul II saw it dif­fer­ent­ly; he writes in Evan­geli­um Vitae 29 that the world is faced with “count­less grave threats to life.”

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The condition of migrants is a pro-life issue, Fr. Pavone.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 2, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Social Teaching; Pro-Life Issues


On Twit­ter, Fr. Frank Pavone wrote this: “There is an immi­gra­tion cri­sis, the 1st immi­grant is the unborn child. There is a #Cri­sis at the bor­der of the womb. They are not being detained or deport­ed, they’re being #dis­mem­bered. We’re not going to be able to wel­come an immi­grant when we can’t wel­come our own chil­dren.” No, excuse me. This is exact­ly why peo­ple say that those who are pro-life care only about the unborn, not about the born. Exhib­it 1 is the odi­ous Frank “Cough­lin” Pavone, who pits the unborn child against the migrant child.

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It’s not your body, AOC. An unborn child is its own body.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 16, 2019 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues


I have made no secret of my admi­ra­tion for Alexan­dria Oca­sio-Cortez. That said, I must point out how wrong she is to res­ur­rect, in the wake of the Geor­gia and Alaba­ma abor­tion laws, the tired old “my body, my choice” rhetoric. She did this on Twit­ter, a place she fre­quents almost as much as the Dear Leader him­self. Now, it is worth not­ing here that even Christo­pher Hitchens, athe­ist and abor­tion rights advo­cate, reject­ed this argu­ment in its favor. The unborn child, Mr. Hitchens said, is a “sep­a­rate body and enti­ty,” and the very phrase “unborn child, even when used in a politi­cized man­ner, describes a mate­r­i­al real­i­ty.” Let us not be anti-sci­ence.

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What Ratzinger and the CDF really said about voting for pro-choice candidates.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 21, 2018 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Death Site News is pro­mot­ing the words of Fr. Mark Gor­ing; he says that “The blood of these unborn chil­dren is on your hands if you vote for and sup­port an aggres­sive­ly pro-abor­tion politi­cian.” This is false. The Church nowhere teach­es that a per­son who votes for a pro-choice Demo­c­rat incurs the guilt of abor­tion. Now, in 2004, the CDF — with Car­di­nal Ratzinger as its pre­fect — put out a doc­u­ment enti­tled “Wor­thi­ness to Receive Holy Com­mu­nion: Gen­er­al Prin­ci­ples.” In it, the CDF list­ed cer­tain things required of Catholics.

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Don’t call abortion a holocaust, says Pope Benedict XVI.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 20, 2018 • Pro-Life Issues


On Face­book there’s a fun­ny lit­tle guy who runs around inter­ro­gat­ing peo­ple on whether they agree with John Paul II that abor­tion is just like the Holo­caust. He’s a self-appoint­ed Inquisi­tor who seems to think that it’s not enough to accept Church teach­ing that abor­tion is a grave sin; you must also accept a par­tic­u­lar metaphor, or his­tor­i­cal com­par­i­son, one pope used to describe it. Even the metaphors are infal­li­ble on this top­ic. If you reject them, you’re a heretic, you’re not pro-life enough, you might even enjoy killing babies.

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