No, Mr. Obama, the Crusades and ISIS are not the same thing.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 5, 2015 • Apologetics; Church History

David Aubert, “Con­quest of Con­stan­tino­ple”

or the record, here are the audio and the exact words that Pres­i­dent Oba­ma said about the Cru­sades and ISIS at the Nation­al Prayer Break­fast:


Human­i­ty’s been grap­pling with these ques­tions through­out human his­to­ry. And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some oth­er place, remem­ber that dur­ing the Cru­sades and the Inqui­si­tion, peo­ple com­mit­ted ter­ri­ble deeds in the name of Christ.

Now, in the most kind and nar­row con­struc­tion you can assign those words, Mr. Oba­ma is not alto­geth­er wrong. Peo­ple have “com­mit­ted ter­ri­ble deeds” in the name of Christ. That is true. But.

To say that that is no dif­fer­ent than cut­ting the heads off of babies? To say that that is no dif­fer­ent than torch­ing pris­on­ers alive in a caged infer­no? No. That is wrong, igno­rant, false, and vile. What Mr. Oba­ma is say­ing is that we have no moral right to call what ISIS does evil. What he is say­ing is that we can­not fight against them and be entire­ly just. That is the kind of man who is our Com­man­der in Chief. The man in charge of our mil­i­tary says these kind of things.

So what we need to do, once more, is put the Cru­sades into his­tor­i­cal con­text. They were not an unjust act of agres­sion against an inno­cent peo­ple. What they were was a much-delayed push­back after 450 full years of Islam­ic mur­der and oppres­sion.

But we need to remem­ber too that what Mr. Oba­ma said today is not some new false­hood that has nev­er been uttered before. Myths about the Cru­sades have a long his­to­ry, and Oba­ma is only say­ing what Bill Clin­ton once did. Back in 2001, Mr. Clin­ton gave a speech at George­town Uni­ver­si­ty. This is what he said there:

[W]hen the Chris­t­ian sol­diers took Jerusalem [in 1099], they … pro­ceed­ed to kill every woman and child who was Mus­lim on the Tem­ple Mount. … [T]his sto­ry [is] still being told today in the Mid­dle East and we are still pay­ing for it.

“We are still pay­ing for it.” The idea here, in what Mr. Clin­ton said, is that not only are Chris­tians guilty of atroc­i­ty too, but that Islam­ic vio­lence today can be blamed direct­ly on the Cru­sades.

But to say things like that is only to con­fuse the effect with the cause. Rad­i­cal Islam does not exist because the Cru­sades did; the Cru­sades exist­ed because rad­i­cal Islam did first. Islam had been plun­der­ing lands and killing peo­ple for hun­dreds of years before the first Cru­sade was called. At last we fought back. Maybe we should now.

Mr. Clin­ton’s speech prompt­ed a reply from Dr. Paul Craw­ford. It was pub­lished in the Inter­col­le­giate Review in the spring of 2011 and reprint­ed online here. Dr. Craw­ford, for those who do not know, is a pro­fes­sor of medieval his­to­ry and expert in the Cru­sades.

[E]ven a cur­so­ry chrono­log­i­cal review,” Dr. Craw­ford writes, will tell us that the sto­ry told by Mr. Clin­ton and Mr. Oba­ma is false. Here are some facts that nei­ther of those two will tell you:

In A.D. 632, Egypt, Pales­tine, Syr­ia, Asia Minor, North Africa, Spain, France, Italy, and the islands of Sici­ly, Sar­dinia, and Cor­si­ca were all Chris­t­ian ter­ri­to­ries. Inside the bound­aries of the Roman Empire, which was still ful­ly func­tion­al in the east­ern Mediter­ranean, ortho­dox Chris­tian­i­ty was the offi­cial, and over­whelm­ing­ly major­i­ty, reli­gion. …

By A.D. 732, a cen­tu­ry lat­er, Chris­tians had lost Egypt, Pales­tine, Syr­ia, North Africa, Spain, most of Asia Minor, and south­ern France. Italy and her asso­ci­at­ed islands were under threat, and the islands would come under Mus­lim rule in the next cen­tu­ry. The Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ties of Ara­bia were entire­ly destroyed in or short­ly after 633, when Jews and Chris­tians alike were expelled from the penin­su­la. Those in Per­sia were under severe pres­sure. Two-thirds of the for­mer­ly Roman Chris­t­ian world was now ruled by Mus­lims.

Now, what hap­pened in the hun­dred years between 632 and 732 was that Mus­lims invad­ed and con­quered every one of those lands. Only now and then did Chris­tians push back. And it did not end in 732. Let us read more:

In the hun­dred years between 850 and 950, Bene­dic­tine monks were dri­ven out of ancient monas­ter­ies, the Papal States were over­run, and Mus­lim pirate bases were estab­lished along the coast of north­ern Italy and south­ern France, from which attacks on the deep inland were launched. [Now watch this.] Des­per­ate to pro­tect vic­tim­ized Chris­tians, popes became involved in the tenth and ear­ly eleventh cen­turies in direct­ing the defense of the ter­ri­to­ry around them.

The popes were “des­per­ate,” but not to do ill deeds. Their pur­pose was “to pro­tect vic­tim­ized Chris­tians.” That’s the his­to­ry, Mr. Oba­ma. That’s the truth, Mr. Oba­ma. It was not until 1095—more than 450 years after all this Mus­lim plun­der of Chris­t­ian nations began—that Pope Urban II at last called the First Cru­sade to dri­ve the ene­my out of their lands.

To which I, for one, can only say: About damn time. About damn time. To sug­gest that that is on a par with what ISIS does only proves that you are igno­rant, or insane, or that your polit­i­cal agen­da is of more inter­est to you than the truth.

Dr. Diane Moczar also writes about all this. The title of her book is Sev­en Lies About Catholic His­to­ry. Here is some of what she says:

Unpro­voked Mus­lim aggres­sion in the sev­enth cen­tu­ry brought parts of the south­ern Byzan­tine Empire, includ­ing Syr­ia, the Holy Land, and Egypt under Arab rule. Chris­tians who sur­vived the con­quests found them­selves sub­ject to a spe­cial poll tax and dis­crim­i­nat­ed against as an infe­ri­or class known as the dhim­mi. Often their church­es were destroyed and oth­er harsh con­di­tions imposed. For cen­turies their com­plaints had been reach­ing Rome, but Europe was hav­ing its own Dark Age of mas­sive inva­sion, and noth­ing could be done to relieve the plight of the east­ern Chris­tians.

… By the eleventh cen­tu­ry, under the rule of a new Mus­lim dynasty, con­di­tions wors­ened. The Church of the Holy Sepul­chre, site of the Cru­ci­fix­ion, was destroyed, and Chris­t­ian pil­grims were mas­sa­cred. In 1067 a group of sev­en thou­sand peace­ful Ger­man pil­grims lost two-thirds of their num­ber to Mus­lim assaults. By this time the popes, includ­ing St. Gre­go­ry VII, were active­ly try­ing to ral­ly sup­port for relief of the east­ern Chris­tians, though with­out suc­cess. It was not until the very end of the cen­tu­ry, in 1095, that Pope Urban’s address at Cler­mont in France met with a response.

Oh, but let us not for­get the mis­deeds of the Cru­saders. They were real­ly a bad, bad bunch. I am sure glad Mr. Oba­ma brought that up, since it is always right to point out how tru­ly evil is the man who fights to free a nation from tyrants and aggres­sors. I am all broke up about the men who threw the tea off the ships. I am all broke up about the men who stormed the beach and took the cliffs. That kind of thing just should not be stood for.

Dr. Moczar gives us a few more facts to bear in mind here:

The Mus­lim occu­piers of Jerusalem, from inside and on top of the walls, kept pace with the Chris­t­ian army as it moved slow­ly around the city, jeer­ing at and mock­ing the sol­diers. They went fur­ther: they took cru­ci­fix­es and pro­faned them in full view of the troops. Hor­ri­fied, out­raged, and near­ly mad­dened at the sac­ri­leges, the armed groups stormed the city furi­ous­ly. Lack of coor­di­na­tion among the sev­er­al units of the army made for a chaot­ic sit­u­a­tion, with com­man­ders los­ing track (and often con­trol) of their men.

Bru­tal the fight­ing was, as no doubt it is in any city in war­fare. But were large num­bers real­ly slaugh­tered unmer­ci­ful­ly? Did the hors­es real­ly wade in blood up to their knees and the men up to their ankles? The answer to both ques­tions is, most prob­a­bly not. … The troops who were left to defend Jerusalem were there to fight, and they did so. …

As it was, the cap­ture of Jerusalem, although a blot on the cru­saders’ record, hard­ly viti­ates the whole cru­sad­ing enter­prise. Yes, the siege should have been bet­ter orga­nized so that the indi­vid­ual com­man­ders had bet­ter con­trol of their men, which would have pre­vent­ed what­ev­er indis­crim­i­nate killing of non-com­bat­ants took place and also caused less phys­i­cal dam­age to the city. We would like it to have been oth­er­wise, but we were not there and we are cer­tain­ly not oblig­ed to apol­o­gize for it: only the guilty them­selves can do that, and both they and those who fought the ene­my hon­or­ably have long since answered to God for their behav­ior.

We need to keep in mind what this kind of taunt­ing, blas­phe­mous ges­ture would have meant to a medieval Catholic who had already had his home­land con­quered by Mus­lims. They were fight­ing not for their own cause, but for all that the Cross meant to them. Con­text mat­ters. Nor do we have to answer for what they did. They have already done so.

But keep in mind one more thing. Noth­ing the cru­saders did was out of char­ac­ter for the nature of war­fare at the time. That can not be said about ISIS. That can­not be said about the demons and mon­sters who cut off heads, with a knife, in front of a cam­era. That can­not be said about the demons and mon­sters who make a video show­ing a man being caged and torched. That is the kind of thing the Cru­saders were try­ing to stop. I am not sor­ry for it and I do not weep.

But what can we say of Mus­lim atti­tudes toward the Cru­sades? Dr. Craw­ford’s arti­cle helps us there too. “Up until quite recent­ly,” he says, “Mus­lims remem­bered the cru­sades [only] as an instance in which they had beat­en back a puny west­ern Chris­t­ian attack.” The Cru­saders lost. There was no Ara­bic word for the Cru­sades until the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry. In fact, all the his­to­ries before that time were by Chris­tians, and their atti­tude toward the Cru­sades was pos­i­tive. The first Mus­lim his­to­ry would not be writ­ten until 1899. That is hard­ly what one would expect if there had been all this vio­lent anger wait­ing to boil over. Dr. Craw­ford tells us more. Note this:

What we are pay­ing for is not the First Cru­sade, but west­ern dis­tor­tions of the cru­sades in the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry which were taught to, and tak­en up by, an insuf­fi­cient­ly crit­i­cal Mus­lim world.

Imag­ine that! The Mus­lims have been get­ting all their ideas about the Cru­sades from anti-Catholics. So if the vio­lence today has any­thing at all to do with the Cru­sades, it has to do with myths about them. It does not have to do with any­thing based in fact. So Mr. Oba­ma, in his words, does not lead. He does not pro­tect the nation, which is his job. He only gives ISIS this one more excuse. It is a very dan­ger­ous man who sits in the Oval Office right now. We need a pres­i­dent who takes this evil seri­ous­ly. We don’t need a ped­dler of myth.

Islam is an inher­ent­ly vio­lent and mur­der­ous ide­ol­o­gy. It has been from the start. And if it is ris­ing up and get­ting out of con­trol once more, it is the wrong time for a game of false equiv­a­lence. Maybe it is time for anoth­er Cru­sade. It would be about damn time. I would be no more sor­ry now than I would have been then.

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