Documentation of Taylor Marshall’s attacks on Pope Francis (and prior popes).

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 20, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Pope Francis

attacks on pope francis
Image via Pix­abay

few months ago, when Tay­lor Mar­shal­l’s book Infil­tra­tion had just come out, some­one asked me if I intend­ed to write a review of it. I had no such inter­est, and already knew that Dave Arm­strong planned to do so. But it occurred to me that it might help to put togeth­er, in a con­cise way, a doc­u­men­ta­tion of Dr. Mar­shal­l’s fre­quent attacks on Pope Fran­cis. (And as it turns out, he goes back in time and attacks every pope from Pius XII for­ward, as well as Vat­i­can II.) I thought oth­ers might find this a valu­able resource. I’ll let Dr. Mar­shal­l’s words speak for them­selves, and only inter­ject now and then.

The fol­low­ing come from Dr. Mar­shal­l’s Web site:

  • In Novem­ber 2018, Dr. Mar­shall and his pod­cast’s co-host Tim­o­thy Gor­don inter­viewed Patrick Cof­fin. Accord­ing to Dr. Mar­shall on his Web site, Gor­don & Dr. Mar­shall “dis­cuss how they each came to swal­low the red pill that Pope Fran­cis was not mere­ly unclear but pro­mot­ing con­fu­sion with­in the Catholic Church.

[To say that the pope is “pro­mot­ing con­fu­sion” is to sug­gest that it is inten­tion­al. The pope, accord­ing to Dr. Mar­shall, acts with mali­cious intent. It is pur­pose­ful con­fu­sion.]

  • In Octo­ber 2018, Dr. Mar­shall host­ed Eric Sam­mons to dis­cuss whether Pope Fran­cis, whom Dr. Mar­shall labeled a “bad pope,” could be deposed. “Could Pope Fran­cis be deposed,” he asks, “by car­di­nals, bish­ops, or any­body?”
  • Also in Octo­ber 2018, Dr. Mar­shall said that Arch­bish­op Vigano’s accu­sa­tions against the pope were “cred­i­ble” and had been unwit­ting­ly “con­firmed” by Car­di­nal Marc Ouel­let. Vigano’s cred­i­bil­i­ty had “increased,” accord­ing to Dr. Mar­shall.
  • In Sep­tem­ber 2018, Dr. Mar­shall gave cre­dence to a report that Pope Fran­cis had demand­ed Car­di­nal Muller to stop a sex abuse inves­ti­ga­tion.

That is every­thing that I find on his Web site when I search the archives for “Pope Fran­cis.” The pri­or post was from 2016 and was about how Dr. Mar­shall had met the pope while he was in Rome. In oth­er word, the attacks on the pope, on his Web site, began late last year in the months lead­ing up to the release of Infil­tra­tion.

I now turn to his Twit­ter feed:

  • On Sep­tem­ber 10, 2018, Dr. Mar­shall shared a tweet [since coura­geous­ly delet­ed] that not­ed the pope’s pro­mo­tion of Car­di­nal Jozef De Kesel—“a [Car­di­nal Got­fried] Dan­neels pro­tege,” accord­ing to the orig­i­nal tweet, “who once placed a priest cred­i­bly accused of sex­u­al­ly abus­ing a minor in charge of a parish, also pro­motes female ordi­na­tion, ‘vol­un­tary’ priest­ly celiba­cy, and wants the Church to bless homo­sex­u­al unions.” Dr. Mar­shall com­ment­ed: “Pon­der that in your heart.”

[As though to sug­gest that Pope Fran­cis pro­mot­ed him in spite of all this, or because he secret­ly favors it?]

  • On Sep­tem­ber 16, 2018, Dr. Mar­shall shared anoth­er tweet [also coura­geous­ly delet­ed] that accused the pope of hav­ing an ani­mus against the papal bless­ing, since he would not give it to a crowd that includ­ed non-Catholics. Dr. Mar­shall not­ed the “incon­sis­ten­cy” since the pope had once washed the feet of non-Catholics.
  • On Decem­ber 28, 2018, Dr. Mar­shall said that the “ques­tion of our time” is: “What if the pope is speak­ing the­o­log­i­cal error non ex cathe­dra?” [Once more, these words were coura­geous­ly delet­ed.]

By “non ex cathe­dra,” my guess is Dr. Mar­shall means “non-infal­li­ble.” That is to say, he holds out the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the pope might teach error as part of the ordi­nary Mag­is­teri­um. And he sug­gests that Pope Fran­cis may be doing that very thing.

And the rest are from Infil­tra­tion. (Dave Arm­strong has read the book and doc­u­ment­ed these, and oth­er, parts of it.)

  • Dr. Mar­shall sug­gests that Pope Pius XII was over­ly influ­enced by “cryp­to-Mod­ernist” friends: “It’s dif­fi­cult to under­stand why Pope Pius XII soft­ened in his lat­er years and how he was osten­si­bly manip­u­lat­ed by the likes of Father Bugni­ni. His friends and acquain­tances not­ed a dras­tic change in his per­son­al­i­ty begin­ning in 1954. …Since 1946, Pope Pius XII had fall­en under the influ­ence of his cho­sen con­fes­sor and spir­i­tu­al direc­tor, Augus­tine Car­di­nal Bea, S.J. … Car­di­nal Bea would reveal him­self as a Mod­ernist.”
  • Dr. Mar­shall attacks Pope John XXIII for doubt­ing the Fati­ma visonar­ies.

[Note that no Catholic is bound to believe any pri­vate rev­e­la­tion.]

  • Dr. Mar­shall spec­u­lates that John XXIII had these chil­dren in mind when he con­demned “prophets of doom.”
  • Dr. Mar­shall says that “most agree” Paul VI brought “mon­u­men­tal con­fu­sion” to the Church.
  • Dr. Mar­shall attacks Paul VI’s “eager enthu­si­asm for ecu­menism” and Nos­tra Aetate. He claims that Leo XIII and St. Pius X would “not have agreed” with the “Freema­son­ic” Paul VI.

[Paul VI was a freema­son because of Nos­tra Aetate!]

  • Dr. Mar­shall claims that the “Freema­son” and “infil­trat­ed priest” Bugni­ni exert­ed undue influ­ence on Paul VI and Vat­i­can II.
  • Dr. Mar­shall claims that Paul VI “pro­mot­ed reforms” that “encour­aged” the “demon­ic infil­tra­tion” of the Church. He fur­ther says that these changes were “detri­men­tal to the laity.”
  • Dr. Mar­shall recy­cles rumors that Paul VI had a homo­sex­u­al affair with Pao­lo Car­li­ni.
  • Dr. Mar­shall attacks Paul VI for main­tain­ing a friend­ship with Saul Alin­sky.
  • Dr. Mar­shall attacks John Paul II for pray­ing with mem­bers of oth­er reli­gions, because that pre­sum­ably set those reli­gions on “equal stand­ing.”
  • He attacks John Paul II for “encour­ag­ing pagan idol­a­try in a Catholic basil­i­ca. (This had to do with the pope’s “per­mit­ting” fol­low­ers of the Dalai Lama to place an idol of Bud­dha on top of a taber­na­cle. There is dis­pute over whether John Paul II actu­al­ly per­mit­ted this in the first place.)
  • Dr. Mar­shall says that John Paul II was “not what we thought him to be” and “con­flict­ed.”
  • Dr. Mar­shall claims there is a “rup­ture” between recent papa­cies (going back to Pius XII) and pri­or papa­cies.
  • He claims that “noth­ing bind­ing” came from Vat­i­can II.
  • The Catholic Church, says Mar­shall, has been “infil­trat­ed all the way to the top.”

[That would, then, include Pope Fran­cis.]

  • Dr. Mar­shall claims Pope Fran­cis thinks God wants some peo­ple to break the moral law. (This claim orig­i­nal­ly comes from the Fil­ial Cor­rec­ton charg­ing the pope with heresy, and I’ve refut­ed it here.) “His world­view and phi­los­o­phy,” Dr. Mar­shall writes, “is essen­tial­ly that of a mem­ber of the nine­teenth-cen­tu­ry Freema­son­ic Car­bonari.” He claims Pius X would have con­demned Pope Fran­cis as a Mod­ernist.
  • Then (not from the book) Dr. Mar­shall claims, in this inter­view with John Hen­ry West­en (around 12:00 into the inter­view), that the “Mason­ic plot” to infil­trate the Church suc­ceed­ed when the St. Gallen “mafia” suc­cess­ful­ly arranged for the elec­tion of Pope Fran­cis. So Pope Fran­cis is the cul­mi­na­tion of the infil­tra­tion of the Church which began dur­ing the pon­tif­i­cate of Pius XII.

My pur­pose, at least here, has not been to refute any of these claims, as Dave Arm­strong has done, but mere­ly to show that, with­in the past year, Tay­lor Mar­shall has start­ed to sub­scribe to them and pub­lish them (with Sophia Insti­tute Press). (“Sophia” is sup­posed to mean “wis­dom,” by the way.)

Dr. Jeff Mirus has a cri­tique of Dr. Mar­shal­l’s book here. Dr. Mirus writes: “I advised Sophia Insti­tute Press not to go through with pub­li­ca­tion, but to no avail. It is there­fore a very great sad­ness to me that I can no longer count Sophia Insti­tute Press among those pub­lish­ing hous­es with unswerv­ing­ly sound Catholic edi­to­r­i­al judg­ment.”

The claims that Mar­shall is mak­ing are, make no mis­take, fringe claims and con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries with actors like Mod­ernists and Freema­sons and homo­sex­u­als. And the prob­lem with Sophia pub­lish­ing them is that it has the like­li­hood of mak­ing them more main­stream. That will do great dam­age to the Catholic faith­ful’s belief that the Church and the Holy Father are pro­tect­ed by the Holy Spir­it and that we must be obe­di­ent and faith­ful to their teach­ing. Instead of look­ing at the Church as Christ’s bride, they look at it as demon­ic.

For Mar­shall does not just attack Pope Fran­cis; he attacks every pri­or pope back to and even includ­ing Pius XII. This says to Catholics that we can not trust the Church or the suc­ces­sors of the apos­tles, but that we must trust “red-pilled” social media fig­ures to tell us the truth and inter­pret doc­trine cor­rect­ly. That’s not what Christ want­ed for his Church.


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