Mr. John Bugay’s false understanding of infallibility.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 6, 2013 • Apologetics; Papal Infallibility

Pope Pius IX is not impressed with the polem­i­cal rogue Mr. John Bugay

n a recent post, the polem­i­cal rogue Mr. John Bugay begins with a weird ques­tion. “Over at Old Life,” he says, “a com­men­tater [sic] asked: ‘At what point are we free to con­clude that a cor­rupt hier­ar­chy points to a false church?’ ” Mr. Bugay finds the ques­tion very com­pelling; I find it dumb beyond the pow­er of words to describe. (Don’t ever be told that there is no such thing as a dumb ques­tion. In fact, the world is infest­ed with them, like gnats or tweets.)

At what point are we free to con­clude that a cor­rupt lead­er­ship points to a false coun­try? If Mr. Bugay wants to be con­sis­tent (and why would he not?), he should come out in sup­port of a schism of states.

“It is not as if” (he goes on) “the sex abuse scan­dal is the only cor­rup­tion the hier­ar­chy is involved in.”

Which church are we talk­ing about again? Remem­ber Matt. 7:4–5.

“The cor­rupt hier­ar­chy” (he goes on) “goes way back in his­to­ry. They’ve just trad­ed dif­fer­ent cor­rup­tions.”

Yes, and so it goes. That busi­ness about Total Deprav­i­ty is a fun­ny thing. It effects all of us. Can we con­clude that this points to a false earth?

(This is an aside. I always find it odd, dear read­er, that a Calvinist—who believes in the doc­trine of Total Depravity—suddenly cries foul when he finds it in a Catholic bish­op. Per­haps he thinks that this shows that the Church can­not be infal­li­ble, but the dog­ma does not say that the pope, or any oth­er Catholic, is inca­pable of sin. That’s not what infal­li­bil­i­ty means. Pius IX is nev­er impressed with any of this.)

“This is not to say” (Mr. Bugay con­cludes with a grand sweep of his hand), “that there are not bad Protes­tant pas­tors.” How nice of him to con­cede so much jel­lo. Catholic lead­ers are “cor­rupt”; Protes­tant pas­tors are mere­ly “bad.” That’s the game with words he plays.

But the ques­tion is rather, how can such a cor­rupt hier­ar­chy claim, with a straight face, that a holy God will grant them doc­tri­nal ‘infal­li­bil­i­ty’ under any cir­cum­stances at all, much less the ‘par­tic­u­lar’ cir­cum­stances that they have nar­row­ly defined?

Well, if we’ve “nar­row­ly” defined it, why should he hold forth so yawn­ing­ly on Pseudo­logue about it? Once again, Mr. Bugay miss­es the point: The Holy Spir­it guides the Church into all truth, not to pre­serve the puri­ty of men, but rather to assure our uni­ty in one mind and one judg­ment (cf. John 17:17–21; 1 Corinthi­ans 1:10).

Does­n’t a care­ful study of the Bible—even Mr. Bugay’s Bible, which has sev­en whole books missing—tell us that God has a remark­able pro­cliv­i­ty for work­ing through sin­ners? David com­mit­ted sex­u­al sin, and yet God still inspired him to write infal­li­ble scrip­ture. It was sin­ners who wrote the infal­li­ble Bible; it is sin­ners who pre­serve the uni­ty of the infal­li­ble Church. It is no more dif­fi­cult than that.

Annie Dil­lard put it best, in Holy the Firm:

Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord, or who shall stand in his holy place? There is no one but us. There nev­er has been. There have been gen­er­a­tions which remem­bered and gen­er­a­tions which for­got. There has nev­er been a gen­er­a­tion of whole men and women who lived well for even one day.

At what point are we free to con­clude that a bunch of inane posts points to a false blog?


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