Of course you have religious freedom. Except when the State says you don’t. Deconstructing the absolute statism of combox junkie Doug Indeap (if that is his name).

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 2, 2013 • Politics

religious freedom
Nor­man Rock­well, “Free­dom of Reli­gion.” Pub­lic domain.

oug Indeap is, I think, a lawyer. (Or is his real name David Ivester? [1] See here, where the pic­ture iden­ti­fies him as “David Ivester,” but where he’s addressed at the bot­tom of the page as “Mr. Indeap.” [2] See here, where both names appear through­out the com­box. [3] See, final­ly, my own ear­li­er post here, where the same pic that iden­ti­fies him as “David Ivester” on the first link iden­ti­fies him as “Doug Indeap” in my own com­box.)

Be all that as it may, if you go to the search engines and look for “Doug Indeap,” you might have a hard time fig­ur­ing out where or what his prac­tice is. I don’t doubt that he has one. (David Ivester is an envi­ron­men­tal, not a Con­sti­tu­tion­al, lawyer.) But if the pages and pages of returns from Google are any indi­ca­tion, his alter ego Doug Indeap spends a pro­fuse vol­ume of time trolling Catholic and con­ser­v­a­tive blogs and using the com­box­es to instruct us all in his own firm belief in sta­tism and, in par­tic­u­lar, a squeez­ing­ly cramped and claus­tro­pho­bic inter­pre­ta­tion of first amend­ment reli­gious free­dom. His view of reli­gious free­dom can be summed up sim­ply: Of course you have reli­gious free­dom. Except when the state says you don’t. As an indi­ca­tion of how remark­ably pro­lif­ic his com­box trolling has been, I present—for the won­der and stu­pe­fac­tion of readers—a (par­tial) list of all the blogs on which Mr. Indeap has made known his ele­vat­ed views, his exis­tence, and his pos­si­bly fic­ti­tious name.




The Arch­dio­cese of Wash­ing­ton.

Catholic News USA.

Pro Life Cor­ner.

Return to Rome, Frank Beck­with­’s blog on Patheos.

Bernard Goldberg.com, in an arti­cle by Burt Pre­lut­sky.

First Things.

Dis­grun­tled Patri­ot.

Jill Stanek.com.

Con­ser­v­a­tive Dai­ly News.

The Rock­ford Reg­is­ter Star.

The Nation­al Patri­ot.

Urban Faith.

To Be Right.


I could have expand­ed this list over sev­er­al vol­umes of print­ed text until I had a ver­i­ta­ble Ency­clo­pe­dia Brit­tan­i­ca of trolling. You will find pages and pages of these hits, if you but do a Google search for Mr. Indeap’s name. Pre­pare to be astonied.

My point in all this is not to prove Mr. Indeap’s pro­lix­i­ty, or to expose his weird dopple­ganger ten­den­cies, or to revis­it the dis­cus­sions about reli­gious free­dom that have already occurred on oth­er blogs, but instead to address the sta­tist assump­tions he gave vent to, this past week­end, in my own com­box, on this post. The post had to do with the fir­ing of Catholic school gym teacher Car­la Hale by the Dio­cese of Colum­bus, Ohio, after the bish­op learned she was liv­ing in a “spousal rela­tion­ship” with anoth­er woman. In par­tic­u­lar, I wrote the arti­cle to defend Bish­op Camp­bell against the threat of a law­suit for vio­lat­ing anti-dis­crim­i­na­tion laws. My argu­ment was, and is, that the state can make any such law it feels necessary—with respect to sec­u­lar insti­tu­tions. But it is over­step­ping its first amend­ment lim­its if it believes it may apply those laws to reli­gious insti­tu­tions whose moral views hap­pen to con­flict with a sec­u­lar state.

The backwards thinking of mr. indeap

On this point, Mr. Indeap felt it nec­es­sary to instruct me on a par­tic­u­lar legal the­o­ry of the first amend­ment:

Con­front­ed by ques­tions about the gov­ern­ment requir­ing or pro­hibit­ing some­thing that con­flicts with some­one’s faith, the courts have gen­er­al­ly ruled that under the Con­sti­tu­tion the gov­ern­ment can­not enact laws specif­i­cal­ly aimed at a par­tic­u­lar reli­gion … but can enact laws gen­er­al­ly applic­a­ble to every­one.

The log­ic, if such there be, seems to be to cramp first amend­ment pro­tec­tion to the mere assur­ance that a par­tic­u­lar reli­gion is not tar­get­ed by laws that apply only to itself. In oth­er words, the state can not force the Catholic Church to pay for birth con­trol unless it forces every­one else to as well. Then, all bets are off. But that would reduce reli­gious free­dom to the lev­el of mean­ing­less­ness. Pre­sum­ably the state could pro­hib­it church atten­dance if it pro­hib­it­ed it to all reli­gions equally—just as long as it does­n’t pro­hib­it only Catholics, or only Bap­tists, from going to church.

Lying at the back of this seem­ing­ly careful—-if I may say so, lawyerly—distinction is a desire to give reli­gious free­dom as nar­row and neg­a­tive a con­struc­tion as pos­si­ble.  In the Founders’ view, reli­gion is a pos­i­tive val­ue to the health of a free peo­ple, and the point of the First Amend­ment is to give reli­gion lat­i­tude and lim­it the state.  In the new, sta­tist view, reli­gion is a nui­sance to be swat­ted at, and the point of the First Amend­ment is mere­ly to keep the swat­ters inside the foul lines.  Reli­gion, not the state, is lim­it­ed; a reli­gion is pro­tect­ed only from being specif­i­cal­ly tar­get­ed. Thus is reli­gion co-opt­ed by “law” into a sta­tist, sec­u­lar cul­ture, and has no defense against a gov­ern­ment that is hos­tile, not to some par­tic­u­lar reli­gion, but to all reli­gion. It has no defense against a gov­ern­ment that wants to make the whole of soci­ety sec­u­lar, that wants to sec­u­lar­ize all reli­gions equal­ly. In that sort of sta­tist world, by Mr. Indeap’s own admis­sion, “con­sci­en­tious objec­tors” are not to be tol­er­at­ed.

Mr. Indeap con­tin­ues:

Ulti­mate­ly, the gov­ern­ment must be able to enforce the law, and it can­not always con­form every law to the myr­i­ad and some­times con­flict­ing reli­gious beliefs of every­one. Oth­er­wise, if each of us could opt out of this or that law with the excuse that our reli­gion requires or allows it, the gov­ern­ment and the rule of law could hard­ly oper­ate.

Note once more that the state is made the arbiter of the high­est good, and the oppo­si­tions of reli­gion are described as an “excuse.” The assump­tion lying behind this idea is that the “law” is a reflec­tion, not of any par­tic­u­lar moral good, but rather of what­ev­er the state wants to do. The gov­ern­ment exists to “enforce” the law (i.e., its own will), and the high­est objec­tive is the “oper­a­tion” of the will of the state. Church folk are an incon­ve­nience; they hin­der to the smooth oper­a­tion of the state’s will. In the first para­graph of his sec­ond com­ment, Mr. Indeap admits as much:

I under­stand and hearti­ly agree [Lip ser­vice.] that the First Amend­ment guar­an­tees indi­vid­ual free­dom to exer­cise one’s reli­gion. My point [Here comes the qual­i­fi­ca­tion; watch.] is that that free­dom (like most) is not absolute. The law lim­its it.

Mr. Indeap, you have it back­ward. The pur­pose of the law is not to lim­it the First Amend­ment; rather, the pur­pose of the First Amend­ment is to lim­it the law. But I hope the read­er has noticed, through­out this dis­cus­sion, how Mr. Indeap has been dis­cussing reli­gious free­dom, not in the con­text of the First Amend­ment, but rather in the con­text of case law. He does­n’t say, “The First Amend­ment says”; or, “the Found­ing Fathers intend­ed”; but rather, “the courts have ruled,” or “the law has said.” One of the rea­sons the First Amend­ment exists (and it is not the only rea­son, but it is one of the great­est) is because of the lim­it­ing ten­den­cy the exis­tence of a reli­gious peo­ple puts upon the state. Reli­gion is one of the great­est checks to an out-of-con­trol, sec­u­lar state. Reli­gion is a guar­an­tor of free­dom, because its ulti­mate end is the Good, rather than pow­er for its own sake. When reli­gion is lim­it­ed, the pow­er of the state nec­es­sar­i­ly becomes absolute. Mr. Indeap seems to like that idea, but the Found­ing Fathers hat­ed it. It is not the pur­pose of the state to lim­it reli­gion; it is the pur­pose of reli­gion to lim­it the state.

mr. indeap waves his arms

Mr. Indeap goes on in his sec­ond com­ment to dis­cuss the HHS man­date. (Though what the HHS man­date has to do with the sit­u­a­tion in Colum­bus, I leave it to him to explain.) He has a par­tic­u­lar­ly egre­gious con­de­scen­sion toward its oppo­nents:

Notwith­stand­ing the arm wav­ing about reli­gious lib­er­ty, the health care law does not force employ­ers to act con­trary to their con­sciences.


[Oh. So the man­date is not manda­to­ry. Got that? Good. I am glad you do; for I sure don’t; though I have tried hard to find out.]


Under the law, employ­ers have the option of not pro­vid­ing health plans and sim­ply pay­ing assess­ments to the gov­ern­ment.


[Oh. Well, that does explain it! What a great lover of reli­gious lib­er­ty is our Lord Cae­sar Oba­ma! He gra­cious­ly allows reli­gious employ­ers the free­dom to choose between act­ing con­trary to their con­sciences and going broke. He’s a real Wilber­force.]


Unless one sup­pos­es that the employ­ers’ reli­gion for­bids pay­ment of mon­ey to gov­ern­ment [See how the issue is being manip­u­lat­ed here?.] the law does not com­pel them to act con­trary to their beliefs.

Some nonethe­less have con­tin­ued com­plain­ing … but [this is] a gripe com­mon to many taxpayers—who don’t much like pay­ing tax­es and who object to this or that action the gov­ern­ment may take with the ben­e­fit of “their” tax dol­lars.


[Love the insid­i­ous use of scare quotes! The pro­lix Mr. Indeap does­n’t real­ly believe that the fruits of my labor belong to me; instead, they belong to the state, and the only ques­tion is how much of those fruits the gov­ern­ment per­mits me, in its vast char­i­ty, to retain.]


In any event,those com­plain­ing made enough of a stink that the gov­ern­ment relent­ed. [Untrue. That was a ruse.]

… Nonethe­less, some con­tin­ue to com­plain, fret­ting that some­how ser­vices they dis­like will get paid for and some­how they will be com­plic­it in that. They evi­dent­ly believe that when they spend a dol­lar and it thus becomes the prop­er­ty of oth­ers, they nonethe­less should have some say in how oth­ers lat­er spend that dol­lar.

(A par­en­thet­i­cal note here. The first para­graph of the above dia­tribe is a favorite of Mr. Indeap’s, judg­ing by how often he has used it, in one form or anoth­er, in his exten­sive com­box activ­i­ties. You’ll find the same para­graph, near­ly word-for-word, on all of these blogs, too.


Cri­sis Mag­a­zine.

Heritage.Org “The Foundry”.

The Polit­i­cal House­wyf.

The Pro­gres­sive Catholic Voice.

At the Turn of the Tide.

Kres­ta in the After­noon.

Mon­day Morn­ing Min­is­ter.

Catholic Ethics.

God­fa­ther Pol­i­tics.

Cranach: The Blog of Vei­th.

Xenia Cit­i­zen Jour­nal.


Swim­ming Against the Cur­rent.

Catholic News USA.

CNN’s Belief Blog.

Pro Life Cor­ner.

Urban Faith.

The Nation­al Catholic Reg­is­ter.

Gate­way Pun­dit.

McHen­ry Coun­ty Blog.

The Wash­ing­ton Post.

Texas Insid­er.

Polit­i­cal Rav­ings of a Mad­man.

South­ern Orders.


(Again, this is a char­i­ta­bly par­tial list.)

the stink that mr. indeap makes

But to return. Oth­er sites—such as Cri­sis Mag­a­zine in the link above—have done a fine job in point­ing out how the HHS “com­pro­mise” was a ruse, and I’m not going to add to what oth­ers have already said. What I want to point out here are two things, apart from Mr. Doug “Dopple­ganger” Indeap’s habit­u­al cut-and-paste pla­gia­rism of him­self in com­box­es all across the vast and var­i­ous fruit­ed plain. The first is the vis­cer­al con­de­scen­sion toward Catholics and oth­er oppo­nents of the HHS man­date. Their objec­tions, in Mr. Indeap’s view—far from being legit­i­mate and ground­ed in seri­ous con­vic­tion about the moral law—amount to noth­ing more than “arm wav­ing” (his favorite expres­sion), “com­plain­ing,” “grip­ing,” “mak­ing a stink,” and “fret­ting.” That sort of atti­tude is very dan­ger­ous toward reli­gious lib­er­ty; it looks upon reli­gious peo­ple as trou­ble­mak­ers and incon­ve­niences to the smooth machine of state pow­er and state con­trol.

I also want to point out the dif­fer­ence between the “assess­ments” that reli­gious employ­ers might be forced to pay, and what Mr. Indeap describes as “spend­ing” a dol­lar. Star­bucks sup­ports same-sex “mar­riage,” which I oppose. From time to time, however—because I like Starbucks—I will buy a cup of cof­fee there. I do so know­ing that the mon­ey I pay for the cof­fee might often go to sup­port caus­es I am against. But that is very dif­fer­ent from the state telling me that I am oblig­at­ed to pay for the “wed­ding” of a same-sex cou­ple, and that I am cer­tain­ly free to opt out if I choose, but I would have to pay a fine. In the for­mer case, I am spend­ing my own mon­ey out of my own lib­er­ty. In the lat­ter, I am hav­ing my mon­ey con­fis­cat­ed from me by force. In such a way does the state try to per­se­cute and con­trol the religious—by threat­en­ing to tax or fine their busi­ness­es out of exis­tence, and thus ruin their very liveli­hoods.

It has hap­pened before.  It was how the state of Eng­land per­se­cut­ed Catholics dur­ing the Recu­san­cy.

The bot­tom line in all of this, how­ev­er, is that Mr. Indeap does not seem to like the First Amend­ment very much. He con­de­scends to it, but in the end what he says amounts to what I have stat­ed in the title: Of course you have reli­gious free­dom. Except when the state says you don’t. That is the atti­tude, the phi­los­o­phy, that we face; and which we must peace­ful­ly but firm­ly oppose.

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