Everything you need to know about Ben Shapiro, in one tweet.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 12, 2019 • Debates; Media Personalities


Ben Shapiro, as you will have heard, was “destroyed” in an inter­view with BBC jour­nal­ist Andrew Neil. Even Mr. Shapiro admits to his destruc­tion, upon which he cried: “I’m pop­u­lar and no one’s ever heard of you!” and ran away. (Embrace the argu­men­tum ad pop­u­lum.) If you’ve not heard about this, the gist of it is that Shapiro was first trig­gered by Neil’s descrip­tion of the Geor­gia abor­tion law as “bar­bar­ic” and a “return to the Dark Ages”; and then, he grew increas­ing­ly petu­lant as Neil con­front­ed him with his own tweets.

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Heresy in the defense of Milo.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 5, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Media Personalities


A debate has bro­ken out fol­low­ing Patrick Coffin’s deci­sion to invite Milo Yiannopou­los on his radio show. Cof­fin used to be at Catholic Answers; Milo is in a same-sex mar­riage but presents him­self as a crit­ic of Pope Fran­cis and “homo­sex­u­al­ist lead­ers” in the Church. There’s your irony for today. When he was Car­di­nal Bergoglio, Pope Fran­cis said that same-sex mar­riage is a “machi­na­tion of the father of lies.” Milo, who is in a same-sex mar­riage, says Pope Fran­cis is not tough enough on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, and Faith­ful­Catholics™ swoon.

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If you really want to understand Catholic social doctrine, you must read …

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 4, 2018 • Church Social Teaching


The Com­pendi­um of the Social Doc­trine of the Church. When I have writ­ten about Church social teach­ing on this blog, that’s the only text I have ever cit­ed. (Well, okay, I’ve also cit­ed Gaudi­um et Spes and papal encycli­cals that com­prise Church social teach­ing, such as Rerum Novarum or Quadra­ges­i­mo Anno or Car­i­tas in Ver­i­tate.) But my point is: When I write about Church teach­ing, I cite Church doc­u­ments. When I want to know what the Church teach­es, I read the Church. If you want to know what Augus­tine thought, read Augus­tine.

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What Ratzinger and the CDF really said about voting for pro-choice candidates.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 21, 2018 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Death Site News is pro­mot­ing the words of Fr. Mark Gor­ing; he says that “The blood of these unborn chil­dren is on your hands if you vote for and sup­port an aggres­sive­ly pro-abor­tion politi­cian.” This is false. The Church nowhere teach­es that a per­son who votes for a pro-choice Demo­c­rat incurs the guilt of abor­tion. Now, in 2004, the CDF — with Car­di­nal Ratzinger as its pre­fect — put out a doc­u­ment enti­tled “Wor­thi­ness to Receive Holy Com­mu­nion: Gen­er­al Prin­ci­ples.” In it, the CDF list­ed cer­tain things required of Catholics.

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Don’t call abortion a holocaust, says Pope Benedict XVI.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 20, 2018 • Pro-Life Issues


On Face­book there’s a fun­ny lit­tle guy who runs around inter­ro­gat­ing peo­ple on whether they agree with John Paul II that abor­tion is just like the Holo­caust. He’s a self-appoint­ed Inquisi­tor who seems to think that it’s not enough to accept Church teach­ing that abor­tion is a grave sin; you must also accept a par­tic­u­lar metaphor, or his­tor­i­cal com­par­i­son, one pope used to describe it. Even the metaphors are infal­li­ble on this top­ic. If you reject them, you’re a heretic, you’re not pro-life enough, you might even enjoy killing babies.

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Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XXI: Lavender Mafia edition.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 30, 2018 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Over at The Fed­er­al­ist you will find a long and ram­bling arti­cle by Dr. Paul Rahe, his­to­ry pro­fes­sor at Hills­dale who once upon a time taught at Yale. Dr. Rahe goes on — and on, for nigh on 2500 words — in an attempt to tie togeth­er a bunch of dis­parate events scat­tered over six­ty years. These, he tells us, prove that the sin­is­ter Laven­der Mafia “con­trols the papa­cy and the Vat­i­can over­all.” That is a large the­sis from such scat­ter­shot evi­dence. Would that I could refute it all in one blog post. But for now, I want to call your atten­tion to this one claim.

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If Pope Francis resigns, it will not be valid. The Church will have an antipope.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 28, 2018 • Canon Law


“If it hap­pens,” the canon says, “that the Roman Pon­tiff resigns his office, it is required for valid­i­ty that the res­ig­na­tion is made freely and prop­er­ly man­i­fest­ed.” If the pope resigns under the pres­sure of a pub­lic cam­paign in the media, he does not act freely. Con­se­quent­ly the res­ig­na­tion is not valid. Con­se­quent­ly any one elect­ed by a con­clave is an antipope. Remem­ber when a num­ber of reac­tionar­ies claimed that Bene­dict XVI’s res­ig­na­tion was not valid because of pri­vate pres­sure? I do. Good times. Fake Site News was eager to pro­mote these claims.

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What is the sin of Sodom that cries to heaven for vengeance?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 26, 2018 • Exegesis


“But Alt! Sodomy cries to heav­en for vengeance!” I am told this by some­one who seems to think I am a defend­er of gay sex, an LGBT apol­o­gist. This is utter­ly bizarre, for any­one who might both­er to check an archive. But in spite of this my clear track record, peo­ple have called me all sorts of things this week. I am a “homophile” and a “homo­splain­er,” accord­ing to my stalk­er Dea­con Jim “Sea Lion” Rus­sell. Accord­ing to oth­ers, I am part of the vile “Laven­der Mafia.” I am a “wannabe Catholic.” I am “a liar with an agen­da.” I think gay sex is good and gen­der flu­id.

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Clergy sexual assault is not about homosexuality; it is about power.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 19, 2018 • Church Scandals


Some­where I read a plea that we not say “they sex­u­al­ly abused” or “they molest­ed” or “they are pedophiles.” These are san­i­tary words of many syl­la­bles. “No! They fucked, they raped, they groped, they grabbed, they snatched.” Even my title is san­i­tary. Can we stip­u­late that what went on is rape, or at least the list of verbs that approach it? The Grand Jury Report describes a wide range of them. In my view, tax­on­o­my — was this real­ly rape? pedophil­ia is only pre-pre­pu­bes­cent, you know — is a dis­trac­tion and fuzzes up the real point.

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False prophet Fr. Frank Pavone advocates ends-justifies-means heresy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 5, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Politics


Pavone, who spends a great deal of time con­grat­u­lat­ing him­self, tweet­eth: “Would any­one who com­plained about what peo­ple like me did dur­ing the 2016 elec­tions care to let the rest of us know which of Hillary‘s choic­es for Supreme Court you would have liked to see sit­ting on the bench or going through the con­fir­ma­tion process now?” He does not tell us what actions he has in mind when says “what peo­ple like me did.” What­ev­er it be, Pavone thinks we ought to be high­ly grate­ful for it, since it gave us Kavanaugh. Sure­ly abor­tion will soon be stamped out.

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Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XX: Death Penalty Edition.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 5, 2018 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome; Pro-Life Issues


John Zmi­rak, who denies Catholic social teach­ing, is wor­ried that Pope Fran­cis is “fal­si­fy­ing Catholic teach­ing.” Ray­mond P.W. Arroyo can bare­ly hide his insin­u­a­tion and his calum­ny that Pope Francis’s change to the Cat­e­chism was some­how meant to dis­tract atten­tion from the sex abuse scan­dal (despite the pope hav­ing said the same thing last year). Then, the chron­i­cal­ly con­fused Phil Lawler decides that, because he is con­fused, “the [whole] world [must also be] full of con­fu­sion.” Steve Sko­jec, how­ev­er, is not con­fused. He’s cer­tain that the pope is a heretic. And if Sko­jec’s cer­tain, who dare ques­tion it?

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Kwasniewski, Fr. Murray, Death Site News promote falsehoods on capital punishment.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 4, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; False Report; Pro-Life Issues


Fr. Mur­ray is mys­ti­fied: On Ray­mond P.W. Arroy­o’s anti-Fran­cis pro­pa­gan­da show The World Over, he says he has no idea why the pope would think the death penal­ty vio­lates the dig­ni­ty of the human per­son. Pos­si­bly Pope Fran­cis might think so because Pope St. John Paul II had already said it him­self. It’s in Evan­geli­um Vitae. Per­haps Mur­ray has read it; though, I begin to won­der whether he mere­ly skimmed it for the parts about abor­tion. What­ev­er the case might be, JP2 explains to us why God pro­tect­ed Cain from the death penal­ty.

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On death penalty, Roma locuta est, causa finita est.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 2, 2018 • Apologetics; Exegesis; Pro-Life Issues


Nat­u­ral­ly, the usu­al sus­pects are scream­ing: CRISIS!!! Phil Lawler, worst known for his recent book call­ing the pope a “lost shep­herd,” bemoans “anoth­er dose of con­fu­sion.” (If some­one finds a Lawler arti­cle about the pope in which he doesn’t claim to be “con­fused,” let me know.) “Once again,” Mr. Lawler writes, “Pope Fran­cis has giv­en the world rea­son to believe that the teach­ings of the Catholic Church can and will change.” As though he has nev­er heard of New­man and new wine can be forced into old wine­skins, by gee by gosh by gum.

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The singular “they”; and, anthropos in Matt. 13:44.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 1, 2018 • English Grammar; Exegesis


A weird dis­cus­sion broke out on Face­book today; it involved a priest’s change to the read­ing of Matt. 13:44. The NAB reads: “The king­dom of heav­en is like a trea­sure buried in a field, which a per­son finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” The priest seems to have changed “sells all that he has” to “sells all that they have.” That was it, but that was enough for some to com­plain about “pro­gres­sives” and “lib­er­al fem­i­nism” con­spir­ing against our pro­nouns. Noth­ing’s safe any­more, I tell you.

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Infant baptism is not in the Bible! Answers to common objections V, seriatim.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 29, 2018 • Apologetics; Sacraments


Where is infant bap­tism in the Bible? You could, if you like, turn the ques­tion around; you might ask: “Where in the Bible does it say it must be in the Bible?” The doc­trine of sola scrip­tura is not in the Bible; the objec­tion that such-and-such a prac­tice is not found in the Bible is thus a moot point. If one is going to object, it must be on some oth­er basis; unless, that is, one can find the Bible express­ly for­bid­ding the prac­tice. We need not go that route, though. Leave sola scrip­tura for anoth­er time; infant bap­tism is in the Bible.

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