I have made no secret of my admiration for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. That said, I must point out how wrong she is to resurrect, in the wake of the Georgia and Alabama abortion laws, the tired old “my body, my choice” rhetoric. She did this on Twitter, a place she frequents almost as much as the Dear Leader himself. Now, it is worth noting here that even Christopher Hitchens, atheist and abortion rights advocate, rejected this argument in its favor. The unborn child, Mr. Hitchens said, is a “separate body and entity,” and the very phrase “unborn child, even when used in a politicized manner, describes a material reality.” Let us not be anti-science.
Read moreIt’s not your body, AOC. An unborn child is its own body.
BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 16, 2019 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues