Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome XIV. Wherein the American right erupts in a collective nutty over papal visit.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 20, 2015 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


There is a pat­tern to this kind of Pope Fran­cis Derange­ment Syn­drome: The pope should speak of that part of the moral law I agree with, not that part I would rather avoid. So Mr. Gosar is deeply offend­ed that the pope might speak about our duty to care for the cre­ation. The pope, he says, wants “to guilt peo­ple into left­ist poli­cies” through “false sci­ence.” Nev­er mind that in Lauda­to Si, the pope said, “the Church does not pre­sume to set­tle sci­en­tif­ic ques­tions or to replace pol­i­tics.” Con­ve­nient­ly, Mr. Gosar does not men­tion any of this.

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Mark Binelli rolling stoned on Pope Francis, part quatre.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 15, 2015 • Pope Francis


Ahead of the papal vis­it lat­er this month, Mark Binel­li is back with anoth­er effu­sive col­umn in Rolling Stoned. I have picked apart his errors thrice before, but the poor man keeps on rolling. Like a stone! Give him cred­it for it; now he has sought answers from such an one as Austin Ruse! Mr. Binel­li will insist on his por­tray­al of Pope Fran­cis as a “dis­rup­tor” of some sort. I don’t mind that; I even agree with it; but it is the kind of dis­rup­tion that he sees lurk­ing in the pope that wor­ries me: not about Mr. Binelli’s san­i­ty, for that can’t be helped, but his per­spicu­ity.

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Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome XIII. In which the Year of Mercy confounds New York Times columnist Jill Filipovic.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 14, 2015 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome; Pro-Life Issues; Sacraments


You can­not con­ceive, nor can I,” Gra­ham Greene writes in Brighton Rock, “of the appalling strange­ness of the mer­cy of God.” Now, if I can’t con­ceive it, and you can’t con­ceive it, and Gra­ham Greene can’t con­ceive it, imag­ine how much trou­ble they must be hav­ing at the New York Times. And so they are. Jill Fil­ipovic, the author of this lat­est excur­sion into Pope Fran­cis Derange­ment Syn­drome, goes as far as to call for­give­ness “unfor­giv­ing.” It must have been pret­zel day at Coney Island when she turned in that copy. And her piece has a plen­i­tude of them.

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Does John Zmirak even understand Church teaching?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 7, 2015 • Church Social Teaching


Here is where Mr. Zmirak’s real con­cern becomes plain: It is not to find out what Catholic moral teach­ing might have to tell us about such things as the envi­ron­ment, immi­gra­tion, or inequal­i­ty. No. That kind of thing might advan­tage the left. That kind of thing might cause Repub­li­cans to squirm. We can’t have that. Not with a big elec­tion com­ing up. Mr. Zmirak’s real loy­al­ty, in oth­er words, is not to Catholi­cism but to the Repub­li­can par­ty. Any­thing that caus­es Repub­li­cans to squirm is false Catholi­cism, you see.

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Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome XII. In which Greg Toppo of USA Today says the pope’s beliefs are just like those of dissenting Catholics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 3, 2015 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Mr. Top­po strikes out in the lead: “Pope Fran­cis’ evolv­ing views on a host of fraught social issues have sur­prised observers” — . Wait. Wait. Wait. “Evolv­ing views”? What “evolv­ing views”? Do I take it, from this, that Pope Fran­cis was once, at some point in the dis­tant past, a doc­tri­nal hard­lin­er, but has since soft­ened and “evolved,” to the great sur­prise of these unnamed “observers”? How now? Would you care to chart this “evo­lu­tion,” Mr. Top­po? I don’t real­ly find any such chart­ing in your arti­cle. Call me a skep­tic.

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St Augustine: What has been injured shall be renewed.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 29, 2015 • Pro-Life Issues; Saints


I had made a point of not watch­ing the recent videos expos­ing the bar­bar­ic evils of Planned Par­ent­hood and Stem Express, put out by the Cen­ter for Med­ical Progress. You find out what is in them with­out that. Why expose myself to see­ing images I would not be able to erase from my mind? Why watch babies be sev­ered and cut apart and sliced open so their insides could be boxed and shipped and sold for prof­it? Who wants to look upon any of that hor­ror? But then, ear­li­er this week, per­haps because I had an arti­cle to write, I watched the sixth of them. I knew what I was going to see.

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Answers for same-sex marriage apologist Matthew Vines.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 7, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology


Matthew Vines, author of God and the Gay Chris­t­ian—in which Mr. Vines claims to give the “bib­li­cal case in sup­port of same-sex rela­tion­ships” — recent­ly post­ed “40 Ques­tions for Chris­tians Who Oppose Mar­riage Equal­i­ty.” “Too often,” Mr. Vines laments, “LGBT-affirm­ing Chris­tians are the only ones asked to explain and defend their views. But there are many press­ing ques­tions that non-affirm­ing Chris­tians fre­quent­ly do not address.” Oh, well, then! These ques­tions have nev­er been answered before! Let me cor­rect this over­sight.

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Remember Lot’s Wife.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 29, 2015 • Exegesis; In the News; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology


It is not mar­riage, what five peo­ple forced upon us all on Fri­day, and can not be mar­riage any more than a square can be round or a hexa­gon rec­tan­gu­lar. What five peo­ple — a major­i­ty by one — forced upon us all on Fri­day was a game of make-believe, a lie. Words mean things, and mar­riage is not just a social arrange­ment entered into by any two peo­ple who may choose. Mar­riage is onto­log­i­cal, root­ed in God’s design of the human per­son for uni­ty and pro­cre­ation. Man was not designed to fit with man, nor woman with woman; and we may not design our own real­i­ty.

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Laudato Si is a hard teaching. And we must accept it.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 25, 2015 • Church Social Teaching


Encycli­cals take time to read. They take still longer to digest and under­stand, and longer still for them to even begin to change our habits of thought and pat­terns of behav­ior. That is par­tic­u­lar­ly true when, as encycli­cals should, it hits us where we live. How many of us can say they’ve under­stood and mod­eled their moral life after Rerum Novarum? Can you? That was writ­ten in 1891. A hun­dred years lat­er, Pope St. John Paul II still had to adjure us on its teach­ing when he wrote Cen­tis­simus Annus. We’re thick. This peo­ple is a stiff-necked peo­ple.

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Why I am never leaving the Catholic Church.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 4, 2015 • Apologetics


I wish I could say oth­er­wise, but I must tell the truth about this. The Catholic Church does not promise that every­thing will be easy. It promis­es, instead, a Cross. Fr. George Schom­mer, who preached the clos­ing homi­ly for my RCIA class the year I became Catholic, said it: “You will be test­ed.” And yet, I have nev­er once been tempt­ed to go and leave. I have nev­er once said, “You know what, I was hap­pi­er when I was a Pres­by­ter­ian, let me go back there.” As though I was hap­py then because I was a Pres­by­ter­ian, or as though the Chris­t­ian life is about our hap­pi­ness, or our feel­ings.

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Before you get outraged and share that post on your social media profile.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 19, 2015 • False Report


Only two things mat­ter: the sal­va­tion of the soul, and truth. That is why it is an offense to see so many posts run­ning the rounds of social media that are full of bla­tant untruths that could be dis­cov­ered by a small amount of fact-check­ing. The head­line, or the meme, screams at us. “Pope Fran­cis says yada yada yada!” we are told; when, in fact, the pope has said noth­ing like yada yada yada. “Obama’s out­ra­geous words!” anoth­er post screams; when, in fact, Oba­ma didn’t say it and what he did say was a big yawn­ing bore of a cliché. But you hit share and cry: “Hor­ri­ble! Egre­gious!”

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Two highly illogical arguments for sola scriptura.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 23, 2015 • Apologetics; sola scriptura


Both of these come from Stephen Wolfe, writ­ing at Ref­or­ma­tion 500—a site fre­quent­ed by our old friend, the polem­i­cal rogue Mr. John Bugay The title of Mr. Wolfe’s small lit­tle post is “A Short Defense of Sola Scrip­tura”; and it is so short — even cur­so­ry — that he fails to avoid sev­er­al large and breezy gaps in log­ic. In the first of them, Mr. Wolfe tries to reply to a com­mon­place obser­va­tion: that you can’t have sola scrip­tura unless the Bible itself gives us an infal­li­ble list of what’s canon­i­cal, and the Bible does not come with an inspired table of con­tents.

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Misquoting St. Cyprian; or, how “John Bugay” abuses the Church Fathers.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 20, 2015 • Apologetics; Church History


Per­haps you have heard, dear read­er, that Pope Fran­cis will vis­it Philadel­phia in Sep­tem­ber for the World Meet­ing of Fam­i­lies. Occa­sions like these always give the anti-Catholics a chance to crawl out of the wood­work and make a bug­gy spec­ta­cle of them­selves. If you go, be pre­pared to swat. To this wery day, Dr.* James White of Alpha & Omega Sophistries crows that, dur­ing the vis­it of Pope St. John Paul II to Den­ver, in 1993, he and sev­er­al of his Elect com­peers showed up to harass mul­ti­tudes, hand out Jack Chick tracts, and oth­er­wise dis­turb the peace.

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Frank Bruni, of New York Times, hectors Christians: “Bow to the enlightenments of modernity!”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 9, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology; Politics


Mr. Bruni starts off, as do most left­ists who will have their own way, with a pompous and con­de­scend­ing sneer: I’m here to free you, you poor benight­ed sil­ly lit­tle thing, from that need­less lit­tle bit­ty blue blan­ket you cling to. There now, isn’t it bet­ter now that you don’t have to car­ry that fool­ish heavy bur­den around? No, you don’t have to thank me. Then, after that haughty and oily dis­play, the left­ist comes out of the clos­et and screams his brown­shirt demands: “Bow to the enlight­en­ments of moder­ni­ty!” Kneel before Zod!

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How I write. 7QT XX, seriatim.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 20, 2015 • Blogging & Writing; Seven Quick Takes


When I was in grad­u­ate school (this was in the 1990s), I wrote every­thing long­hand, keyed my rough drafts into an Apple IIGS using Apple­works Word Pro­cess­ing (I know; I’m 45), and revised, by hand, on the hard copy. Then I would repeat over a series of maybe 8 – 10 more drafts. Then, along about 2001, with the sud­den abil­i­ty to do a great amount of research direct­ly from the Inter­net, I began to write entire­ly on the com­put­er, in Microsoft Word. That was not a good idea: Inevitably, my com­put­er crashed. And so I returned to long­hand.

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