Pro Marx, Contra Marx.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 4, 2022 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology


So I was going to write a post about Car­di­nal Marx and his dumb remarks recent­ly about how Catholics are per­fect­ly free to be flex­i­ble with the Cat­e­chism, espe­cial­ly when it comes to those trou­ble­some para­graphs on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty. Then I saw that Bish­op Strick­land opened his yap about it on Twit­ter, and so I guess I have to sweep up the detri­tis of Strickland’s error before I turn to Marx’s. Strick­land saw the sto­ry at Catholic World Report and, appar­ent­ly with­out exer­cis­ing any the­o­log­i­cal fore­thought, tweet­ed that Car­di­nal Marx had “left the Catholic faith.

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Exploitation of the dead is not pro-life. It is contempt for life.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 4, 2022 • In the News; Pro-Life Issues


By now you’ve all heard the hor­rif­ic details about Lau­ren Handy, the so-called pro-life activist who was keep­ing five frozen fetus­es in her home. There are still unan­swered ques­tions about how these dead bod­ies were obtained, and whether they were all (or if any of them were) actu­al­ly abort­ed; for exam­ple, one was still intact and attached to the pla­cen­ta, and anoth­er was en caul. There is some spec­u­la­tion that Handy, with or with­out the group she belongs to (Pro­gres­sive Anti-Abor­tion Upris­ing, or PAAU), intend­ed to use the corpses in a pub­lic­i­ty stunt of some sort. I don’t know. My friend Mary Pez­zu­lo at Steel Mag­ni­fi­cat writes about all of it here, and you should read her arti­cle. It’s the only real­ly good thing I’ve read about the whole ugly sto­ry.

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Pope St. Pius X vs. Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 26, 2022 • papacy; Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Crit­ics of Pope Fran­cis claim to love tra­di­tion while time and again tra­di­tion turns out to be utter­ly for­eign to them. And thus, in just the most recent exam­ple, the trad­dies decide that a Mar­i­an title from a Byzan­tine hymn that dates to before 1000 A.D. — well-known among East­ern Catholics and Ortho­dox Chris­tians — must be a ref­er­ence to Pachama­ma and proof of the here­sies of Pope Fran­cis. The irony is that gen­uine Catholic tra­di­tion also teach­es that the pope is pro­tect­ed by God from lead­ing the Church into error and that Catholics owe the pope reli­gious sub­mis­sion, not rebel­lion (or as demon con­sul­tant Tay­lor Mar­shall puts it, “rec­og­nize and resist”).

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Fatimistas have meltdown over Italian text of consecration.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 25, 2022 • Apologetics; Blind Guides & False Prophets


Pope Fran­cis and the world’s bish­ops recon­se­crate — I empha­size: reconsecrate—Russia to the Immac­u­late Heart of Mary today; and where the Eng­lish text refers to Mary as “Queen of Heav­en,” the Ital­ian text calls her “ter­ra del cielo,” which means “earth of heav­en.” The Fatimis­tas, who seem to think the pope is reli­gious­ly bound by every last gran­u­lar detail of a pri­vate rev­e­la­tion, are apoplec­tic. Demon con­sul­tant Tay­lor Mar­shall was ini­tial­ly non-com­mit­tal and insist­ed he was “study­ing” the mat­ter. Then, after an intense appli­ca­tion of every ounce of intel­lect he could muster, Dr. Mar­shall decid­ed that “earth of heav­en” could be noth­ing oth­er than a ref­er­ence to Pachama­ma.

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1 Peter 5:1 is not a proof text against papal primacy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 23, 2022 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Exegesis; papacy


“I exhort you as your fel­low elder,” St. Peter writes, and it’s hard to know who first tried to use this verse as a proof-text against papal pri­ma­cy. Why, Peter him­self says he’s just one among many! So why does the pope lord it over the whole Church? One thing it’s not hard to know is that the Church Fathers are full of asser­tions that Peter does have pri­ma­cy, and not one of them ever cites 1 Peter 5:1 to refute the idea. If the text does deny papal pri­ma­cy, appar­ent­ly none of the Church Fathers were aware of it. Dear read­er, you’re wel­come to search an index of Scrip­ture ref­er­ences in the Church Fathers if you think you can find any of them cit­ing 1 Peter 5:1 to deny the pri­ma­cy of Peter. Sure­ly they were aware of the text — Cypri­an refers to it, as do Ter­tul­lian and Jerome — but none of them think it means that Peter is no more than the equal of all oth­er bish­ops.

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If you call the pope a heretic, you’re calling Christ a liar.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 21, 2022 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Exegesis; papacy


St. Fran­cis de Sales, among oth­ers, dis­putes the notion that a pope could teach heresy: “In truth, it is nec­es­sary that we should fol­low him sim­ply, not guide him; oth­er­wise the sheep would be shep­herds. … Now all this has not only been true of St. Peter, but also of his suc­ces­sors; for the cause remain­ing the effect remains like­wise. The Church has always need of an infal­li­ble con­firmer, to whom she can appeal; of a foun­da­tion which the gates of hell, and prin­ci­pal­ly error, can­not over­throw; and has always need that her pas­tor should be unable to lead her chil­dren into error. The suc­ces­sors, then, of St. Peter all have these same priv­i­leges.”

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Mr. X (TurretinFan) is upset, again, about a Coptic MS. misattributed to Athanasius.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 9, 2021 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Marian Dogmas


The crack apol­o­gist and five­point Calvin­ist who calls him­self “Tur­ret­inFan,” and who is known to us as Mr. X, first got upset about this man­u­script in 2008. Then, he got upset again in 2009. Now in 2021, after a blog­ging sab­bat­i­cal of six weeks, he has decid­ed to let us know that he is upset again. Maybe that explains his absence; he couldn’t bring him­self to log onto his blog and has spent the days in severe prayer. I don’t know. It’s not hard to imag­ine why Mr. X is so upset; the man­su­cript in ques­tion is the “Homi­ly of the Papyrus of Turin” [HPT]. The (lost) orig­i­nal dates to around the 4th cen­tu­ry — the one extant man­u­script is from the 6th — and Catholic apol­o­gists like to cite it as an ear­ly exam­ple of Mar­i­an ven­er­a­tion.

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Abp. Gomez fearmongers about a global conspiracy of secular elites; calls social justice a “new religion.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 6, 2021 • Blind Guides & False Prophets


I won’t deny, if you insist, that sec­u­lar­ism is a prob­lem for the Church; I won’t deny, for it would be fool­hardy, that elit­ism exists, even among prelates. But it’s a fever­ish, undis­ci­plined mind that would try to attribute these things, with­out evi­dence or exam­ple, to a glob­al con­spir­a­cy of bogey­men who are out to get Chris­tians. Arch­bish­op Gomez des­per­ate­ly wants to be per­se­cut­ed. His recent — hideous — address, deliv­ered in Madrid on Novem­ber 4, is titled “Reflec­tions on the Church and America’s New Reli­gions”; and you may read it if you insist, but keep in mind, dear read­er, that part of my duty as a blog­ger is to read such painful things so you won’t have to.

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Msgr. Kevin Irwin’s bizarre attempt to call belief in Eucharistic miracles “heresy.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 5, 2021 • Apologetics; Sacraments; The Eucharist


At the Nation­al Catholic Reporter, Msgr. Irwin is exer­cised by the bish­ops’ draft doc­u­ment The Mys­tery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church. His main con­cern is that the lan­guage of the doc­u­ment is too out­mod­ed; “it reflects 400-year-old the­ol­o­gy,” he says, rather than devel­op­ments since Vat­i­can II. It uses musty words like “tran­sub­stan­ti­a­tion”; it insists on obscure dis­tinc­tions between “venial” and “mor­tal” sin; it uses the term “Real Pres­ence,” for Jesus’ sake! “Are these terms,” Msgr. won­ders, “aimed at peo­ple who no longer attend Mass,” or are they aimed instead at the bish­ops them­selves?

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According to Holy Mother Church, conversion is the work of the Holy Spirit.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 3, 2021 • Apologetics


I am astound­ed that I have to set out to prove this, but there we are; the Church’s biggest mis­sion field is the Church. Let’s start with the Cat­e­chism of the Catholic Church (a very good place to start). There, in §1989, we read: “The first work of the grace of the Holy Spir­it is con­ver­sion, effect­ing jus­ti­fi­ca­tion in accor­dance with Jesus’ procla­ma­tion at the begin­ning of the Gospel: ‘Repent, for the king­dom of heav­en is at hand.’ Moved by grace, man turns toward God and away from sin, thus accept­ing for­give­ness and right­eous­ness from on high.” Con­ver­sion (whether ini­tial con­ver­sion or con­tin­u­ing con­ver­sion) is all gift and all grace

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There is no conflict between pursuing justice and pursuing holiness.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 1, 2021 • Church Social Teaching; Saints


There is a bizarre cur­rent of thought, among Catholics antag­o­nis­tic to social jus­tice, that says that such con­cerns detract from the call to holi­ness. The “SJWs,” they will declaim, “nev­er talk about holi­ness. It’s all about social evil, nev­er their own need for Christ.” Apart from the fact that this is so absurd­ly and demon­stra­bly untrue, the saints — both declared and unde­clared — nev­er once speak of jus­tice and holi­ness as though they are in con­flict with each oth­er. The very notion is uncatholic. You can not be holy unless you pur­sue jus­tice: That idea runs through the entire Old Tes­ta­ment, and the entire New.

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On David Griffey’s inability to read a simple argument.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 28, 2021 • On Other Blogs


Over on the apt­ly-named Daf­fey Thoughts, David Grif­fey attempts, inept­ly, to decon­struct my blog post expos­ing some Catholics’ idol­a­trous atti­tude about Scott Hahn. “Most con­ser­v­a­tive Catholics I know,” Grif­fey blares in his head­line, “do not believe Scott Hahn is the fourth mem­ber of the Holy Trin­i­ty.” Only “most”? Does Grif­fey mean to sug­gest that some con­ser­v­a­tive Catholics do think that Hahn is the fourth mem­ber of the Trin­i­ty? Fact is, I don’t know any­body who thinks that a trin­i­ty has four per­sons (that would be impos­si­ble), still less that Scott Hahn is one of those per­sons. Nor did I sug­gest any such thing in my post

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Debunking a fake St. Cyprian quote on papal infallibility.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 26, 2021 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Papal Infallibility


Its addic­tion to fake quo­ta­tions is an indict­ment on pop apolo­get­ics. Did you know that St. Augus­tine nev­er said “Roma locu­ta est; causa fini­ta est?” It’s a handy epistro­phe; it’s a fair enough para­phrase; but it was not what Augus­tine wrote. Here are Augustine’s exact words, from Ser­mon CXXXI. (The con­text is Rome’s con­dem­na­tion of Pela­gian­ism.) “For already have two coun­cils [Mileve & Carthage] on this ques­tion been sent to the Apos­tolic see [Rome]; and rescripts also have come from thence. The ques­tion has been brought to an issue; would that their error may some­time be brought to an issue too!”

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Skojec’s tweets proof that Traditionalism ends in Modernism. Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome, Vol. XXXI.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 23, 2021 • Papal Infallibility; Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Mr. Steve Sko­jec, for­mer­ly of One Luther Five, is no longer both­er­ing to hide his dis­sent from the dog­ma of papal infal­li­bil­i­ty. He’s not try­ing to nuance a dis­tinc­tion out between the rare occa­sions when an infal­li­ble state­ment is made and every­thing else a pope says. Any­one who tried to do that would need to explain why they wor­ry them­selves over what Pope Fran­cis says at all, since he’s not exer­cised that charism as far as I can tell. But Mr. Sko­jec has integri­ty, casts nuance to the winds, and says that the dog­ma itself is a sham. Let’s peer — briefly, for it is painful — into his Twit­ter feed

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Archbishop Chaput calls Pope Francis a pig. Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome, Vol. XXX.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 23, 2021 • Media Personalities; Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Cha­put, writ­ing at First Things, is all wrought up by the thought that Pope Fran­cis has suround­ed him­self with toad­ies and there­fore can’t han­dle con­struc­tive crit­i­cism from his loy­al ser­vant Ray­mond Arroyo. He would impress upon our minds a “lit­tle wis­dom” from St. Bernard of Clair­vaux. Bernard wrote: “The most griev­ous dan­ger for any pope lies in the fact that, encom­passed as he is by flat­ter­ers, he nev­er hears the truth about his own per­son and ends by not wish­ing to hear it.” I sup­pose, though Cha­put does not men­tion a lit­tle wis­dom from St. Cather­ine of Siena.

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