Mr. X (TurretinFan) claims he finds “formal sufficiency” in Origen.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 24, 2020 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; sola scriptura


Tur­ret­inFan is back! We’ve missed him. Long­time read­ers will remem­ber this crack, Reformed the­olo­gian who, because of his anonymi­ty, is known here as Mr. X. I thought his blog was dying a pro­tract­ed death. There would be long silences; then, he would flick­er up again for a post or two; then, slump into anoth­er doze. Per­haps he thinks I have for­got­ten him and he can now resume his rai­son d’être: plow­ing wild and unhinged and des­per­ate through the Bible and Church Fathers for evi­dence of Protes­tant doc­trine.

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America Magazine asks: What do we owe the office of the papacy?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 22, 2020 • On Other Blogs; papacy


Fr. Bill McCormick asks the ques­tion in con­nec­tion with a dis­cus­sion that arose after two arti­cles by Mas­si­mo Fag­gi­oli in La Croix Inter­na­tion­al. Michael Sean Win­ters had a response at the Nation­al Catholic Reporter and Pedro Gabriel at Where Peter Is. That’s just the back­ground; Dr. Fag­gi­oli is a Face­book friend of mine, thinks the Amer­i­ca arti­cle mis­rep­re­sents his argu­ment, and I don’t wish to wade into that dis­pute. My pur­pose is just to add a few foot­notes where I think Fr. McCormick gets the answer to his ques­tion exact­ly right.

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Cardinal Burke’s long-winded promotion of COVID-19 conspiracy theories.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 21, 2020 • Blind Guides & False Prophets


Yes­ter­day at the Rome Life Forum, Car­di­nal Ray­mond Burke, a most vocif­er­ous crit­ic of the pope, gave a long pre­sen­ta­tion enti­tled “Fati­ma: Heaven’s Answer to a World in Cri­sis.” And here I sit, think­ing that Christ was the answer. Burke’s talk was 5,166 words long, and about half of it had to do with Fati­ma, the evils of Chi­na, and the impor­tance of con­se­crat­ing Rus­sia: red meat for the Catholic hard right. In the process he also man­aged to pro­mote dis­cred­it­ed con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries about the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and mis­state Church teach­ing on a num­ber of points.

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No, Pope Francis does not teach universalism. He’s just sloppy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 20, 2020 • Apologetics; Pope Francis


It would prob­a­bly be a bad idea if some­one at the Vat­i­can were to fix Pope Fran­cis with a device that gave him a small lit­tle shock every time he used the word “jus­ti­fi­ca­tion,” or maybe squirt­ed him with a water gun. It might con­di­tion him against say­ing it, but I don’t think you can do that. Maybe some­one has a more eth­i­cal idea. A few years back, the pope said that Catholics and Luther­ans agree on jus­ti­fi­ca­tion now; we’re all copacetic. He said Luther “did not err.” It was one of the few times you’ve heard me crit­i­cize the poor man. The­o­log­i­cal chaos occurs any time jus­ti­fi­ca­tion comes up with Frank.

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The utter dishonesty of Steve Ray about 33,000 Protestant denominations.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 18, 2020 • Apologetics


I did not want to write about Steve Ray again after yesterday’s post. But by chance I noticed that he has a brand, spank­ing new arti­cle today that once again ped­dles the myth of 33,000 Protes­tant denom­i­na­tions. And because I refut­ed the num­ber four years ago for the Nation­al Catholic Reg­is­ter, I decid­ed I prob­a­bly need­ed to revis­it the top­ic. Mr. Ray knows the num­ber is fic­tion, for he has been told many times. But he weird­ly insists upon it; he’ll use the expres­sion “the myth of 33,000 denom­i­na­tions” but put scare quotes around the word “myth.” It’s as though he thinks it’s a truth divine­ly revealed.

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St. John Henry Newman on the duty of converts.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 18, 2020 • Apologetics


Says New­man: “A man is con­vert­ed to the Catholic Church from his admi­ra­tion of its reli­gious sys­tem, and his dis­gust with Protes­tantism. That admi­ra­tion remains; but, after a time, he leaves his new faith, per­haps returns to his old. The rea­son, if we may con­jec­ture, may some­times be this: he has nev­er believed in the Church’s infal­li­bil­i­ty; in her doc­tri­nal truth he has believed, but in her infal­li­bil­i­ty, no. He was asked, before he was received, whether he held all that the Church taught, he replied he did; but he under­stood the ques­tion to mean, whether he held those par­tic­u­lar doc­trines “which at that time the Church in mat­ter of fact for­mal­ly taught,” where­as it real­ly meant what­ev­er the Church then or at any future time should teach.”

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Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XXVIII: A response to Steve Ray.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 17, 2020 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Steve Ray is a Bap­tist con­vert to Catholi­cism who likes to wear a bush hat and call him­self “Jerusalem Jones” because he’s gone on pil­grim­age to the Holy Land, by his count, “almost 200 times.” He leads tours. But he’s real­ly wor­ried that Pope Fran­cis is chang­ing the deposit of faith; and sad to say, such a wor­ry con­tains its own con­tra­dic­tion. (I’ll get there.) Back in the day, when he was a new­ly-mint­ed con­vert, Mr. Ray wrote a book enti­tled Upon This Rock: St. Peter and the Pri­ma­cy of Rome. Con­verts seem always to be rush­ing out and writ­ing books in a fer­vor of hav­ing Found Truth.

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“Corona Rusty” Reno shows us how you promote the Culture of Death.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 14, 2020 • Pro-Life Issues


You have a Cul­ture of Life when you act and talk as though every life is of equal val­ue and equal­ly worth car­ing for and sav­ing. And part of how you do that, when you have a pan­dem­ic like COVID-19, is by wear­ing a face mask. Wear­ing a face mask is not about the per­son doing the wear­ing, it’s about every­one else you might infect. It’s about the 80-year-old Rosary-pray­ing grand­moth­er you pass in the super­mar­ket, and it’s also about the home­less dia­bet­ic you ignore on your way there.

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Fr. Greg Bramlage wants to excommunicate “sociopath” Melinda Gates.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 11, 2020 • Canon Law


I don’t know any­thing about Fr. Greg Bram­lage oth­er than that he’s the chair­man of some­thing called Mis­sion­ar­ies of the New Evan­ge­liza­tion and he’s prone to say wild things on Face­book that now and then make their way into my News Feed. Once he called the Unit­ed Nations “the right arm of Freema­son­ry.” Anoth­er time he said that the very future of Chris­tian­i­ty depends upon Don­ald Trump. Now he wants to excom­mu­ni­cate Melin­da Gates; I’m not sure why. The title of the arti­cle he shares is “‘Real­ly good qual­i­ty sex edu­ca­tion starts very, very ear­ly’: Melin­da Gates.” Is that why? Bram­lage thinks this war­rants anoth­er Exsurge Domine?

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Of course gun control is not a pro-life issue. Gun violence is.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 5, 2020 • Pro-Life Issues


Self-described pro-lif­ers have a jeal­ousy issue about abor­tion. Pro­pose the exis­tence of oth­er pro-life issues and they get exas­per­at­ed. Where does it end? Is the kitchen sink a pro-life issue too? More than one pro-life issue “waters down” oppo­si­tion to abor­tion, they say. They’re like the child who fears a new baby in the fam­i­ly means mom and dad will start to love them less. Should we lim­it fam­i­lies to one child to be gen­uine­ly pro-life? Pope St. John Paul II saw it dif­fer­ent­ly; he writes in Evan­geli­um Vitae 29 that the world is faced with “count­less grave threats to life.”

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Did Pope John XXII teach heresy about the Beatific Vision?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 29, 2019 • Church History


This is a com­pan­ion piece to an ear­li­er one about Hon­o­rius and a lat­er one about Liberius. In the case of Pope John XXII, it is clear that his state­ments on the Beatif­ic Vision were false. He had said, both pri­or to his papa­cy and in hom­i­lies dur­ing his papa­cy, that the Beatif­ic Vision was delayed until the Final Judg­ment. But the mat­ter, as Mr. Sam­mons him­self admits, was not defined until after John XXII’s death. His suc­ces­sor, Bene­dict XII, defined the doc­trine three years lat­er — in 1336. Only then did the Church define the truth about the Beatif­ic Vision being imme­di­ate.

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I am one of the “New Papolaters,” according to One Luther Five.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 29, 2019 • On Other Blogs


There I was, dear read­er, mind­ing my own busi­ness when I noticed a sud­den spike in traf­fic com­ing from a post at One Luther Five. Some­one named Eric Sam­mons had just accused me of “idol­a­try.” How cute; I had to dou­ble check that I wasn’t read­ing some anti-Catholic, King James Only­ist blog. I wasn’t alone — the oth­er “new pap­o­laters” (you have to fol­low Mr. Sam­mons’ links to find out who they are, because he doesn’t name us in the text) are Austen Iver­eigh, Dawn Eden Gold­stein, Rich Raho, Mas­si­mo Fag­gi­oli, and Mike Lewis. So I’m in good com­pa­ny.

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Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XXVII: Schismatic? No, no, no! It ain’t we, babe!

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 24, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Loy­al defend­ers of the Church Ray­mond Leo Burke & Athana­sius Schnei­der have anoth­er doc­u­ment out! The impar­tial Edward Pentin includes it in the text of his arti­cle today at the Nation­al Catholic Reg­is­ter. The title of this one is “A clar­i­fi­ca­tion about the mean­ing of fideli­ty to the Supreme Pon­tiff.” The gist of this one is: Fideli­ty to the Supreme Pon­tiff does not mean you can’t call out his man­i­fest errors and here­sies. Paul cor­rect­ed Peter, don’t you know? Since I am not giv­en to polemics on this blog, I will go through the doc­u­ment point by point.

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Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XXVI. In which the EWTN schism infects a priest’s homily at Mass.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 17, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


One would think that the pur­pose of the homi­ly at Mass is to shed light upon the text of Scrip­ture. So here’s some­thing worth a real com­plaint: At EWTN’s dai­ly Mass on Mon­day, Fr. Matthew Mary read Christ’s prayer for his dis­ci­ples in John 17, and there­after had noth­ing to say aobut it; instead, he used the occa­sion of the homi­ly to pro­mote a fac­tion in the Church that pro­motes schism against Pope Fran­cis. So let’s be clear that that’s a scan­dal — an abuse of the sacred litur­gy; treat­ing it as an occa­sion to pro­mote dis­sent against the Holy Father.

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Does Ephesians 1:4–5 teach limited atonement?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 12, 2019 • Apologetics; Exegesis


It strikes me as odd that, if we are essen­tial­ly God’s mar­i­onettes, doing what God has script­ed us to do, our actions appear to us so much like choic­es. I think you have to engage in a par­tic­u­lar­ly pro­fane act of self-decep­tion to con­vince your­self that the words you speak, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the things you do, are not your own choic­es but were cho­sen for you before­hand: to con­vince your­self that God threw a rope around you rather than you choos­ing him because you were drawn and fell in love. If you can tell your­self these things, eise­ge­sis fol­low­ers as the night the day.

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