Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome XXIV: Cardinal Burke’s Rebel Yell

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 17, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Those Faith­ful­Catholics™ who have been swal­low­ing whole phar­ma­cies of red pills over Pope Fran­cis have a real prob­lem. They want to reject his Mag­is­teri­um, but deep down they know that’s not real­ly con­sis­tent with their chest-thump­ing insis­tence on their own faith­ful­ness. But if the con­clave was illic­it, if it broke the rules, if the pope’s not real­ly the pope, then we have a license to throw all that out. We can get rid of Evan­gelii Gaudi­um, we can get rid of Lauda­to Si, we can get rid of Amor­is Laeti­tia. And we can get rid of that pesky Bergoglio and call anoth­er con­clave.

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Steve Hays posits false dichotomy between authority and reason.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 10, 2019 • Apologetics


No Catholic apol­o­gist I know defends, say, the Mar­i­an dog­mas by telling us that the Church teach­es the Mar­i­an dog­mas and stop­ping there. The Catholic apol­o­gist does that no more than the Protes­tant apol­o­gist says “The Bible is true because it says so in the Bible.” It’s fair to assume that who­ev­er we are try­ing to con­vince already knows that the Church, or the Bible, teach­es these things. So we go fur­ther. I’m not going to con­vince Mr. Noo­dle that Mary was assumed into Heav­en by say­ing, “Pope Pius XII taught this.” Noo­dle already knows.

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Do Catholics think God owes them a debt? Part 6 of a response to John Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 10, 2019 • Apologetics


When John Calvin reach­es the “crown­ing point” of his rant against the “popish Mass,” he becomes tru­ly inco­her­ent. (As though he were not already.) Here’s the crown­ing point: “the sacred Sup­per, on which the Lord left the memo­r­i­al of his pas­sion formed and engraved, was tak­en away, hid­den, and destroyed, when the Mass was erect­ed.” So if I am to take Calvin at his plain word here, the Church has took the Eucharist away. The Church has hid­den the Eucharist. The Church has indeed destroyed the Eucharist!

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Protestant asks: When would Catholics know they’re in a false Church?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 5, 2019 • Apologetics


Steve “Pur­ple” Hays asks the ques­tion at Fail­ablogue. (He calls it Tri­ablogue, for opti­mistic rea­sons known to him alone.) I am hap­py to answer Mr. Hays’ ques­tion, which he puts like this: “Hypo­thet­i­cal­ly, what would the mag­is­teri­um have to do for devout Catholics (or Catholic apol­o­gists) to con­clude that the Roman Catholic church nev­er was the one true church found­ed by Jesus Christ? Can the mag­is­teri­um ever do any­thing, in prin­ci­ple or prac­tice, to dis­cred­it Roman Catholi­cism? … What’s the stan­dard of fideli­ty?” In fact, there is.

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Of course the Church can ordain women; it’s already done so.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 29, 2019 • Church History


Car­di­nal Müller claims women’s ordi­na­tion is impos­si­ble. He has Ama­zon Syn­od Derange­ment Syn­drome, and has called it a “wreck­ing ball” bent on “restruc­tur­ing the Uni­ver­sal Church.” We learn from this that the car­di­nal is very inept with metaphor, since wreck­ing balls don’t “restruc­ture” any­thing. Maybe this is a minor prob­lem. The big­ger issue with Müller is that he says no pope, no syn­od, no coun­cil “could make pos­si­ble the ordi­na­tion of women as bish­op, priest, or dea­con.” “It would be invalid,” Müller says.

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There is no Catholic case for Communism.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 24, 2019 • Church Social Teaching


Dean Det­t­loff at Amer­i­ca Mag­a­zine seems to think there is one, but he doesn’t give us a Catholic case for Com­mu­nism either. Much of his arti­cle is spent telling us that many Com­mu­nists are very nice peo­ple, and they’re not all athe­ists, and a lot of their goals are things the Catholic Church is friend­ly to. I’m sur­prised any of that is in dis­pute. Det­t­loff does not tell us why Com­mu­nism is a good way to achieve any of them; he just tells us the goals are nice. Nor does he account for St. John Paul II’s words con­demn­ing Com­mu­nism in Centes­simus Annus.

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Frank Pavone hates America.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 20, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Moral Theology; Politics


Mr. Pavone is so much more than a Trump apol­o­gist; he struts and waves pom­poms for the sta­ble genius, and he will not be caught protest­ing any­thing, unless it’s abor­tion. Good Mr. Pavone loves Amer­i­ca, and babies. And because he loves babies, he has typed many hun­dreds of char­ac­ters on Twit­ter defend­ing the sep­a­ra­tion of chil­dren from their fam­i­lies. That’s what hap­pens when you vio­late the law, he says. (And the chil­dren at the bor­der are a very dif­fer­ent set of babies than the infi­nite­ly more pre­cious babies yet to be born.)

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Veritatis Splendor 80: Deportation is an intrinsic evil.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 17, 2019 • Church Social Teaching; Moral Theology


But Alt! But Alt! When the Church says depor­ta­tion is evil, it has in mind the depor­ta­tions that took place in World War II. You know, like that pic. That’s the War­saw Ghet­to upris­ing. Jews were cit­i­zens. The Church doesn’t have in mind depor­ta­tion of crim­i­nals who are in a coun­try ille­gal­ly. The Church has nev­er taught that all depor­ta­tion is evil.” Is that so? Is it? Now, you know, dear read­er, I believe in going to Church texts to find out what the Church teach­es. So in this case, I’m going to go to Ver­i­tatis Splen­dor 80, where Pope John Paul II defines “intrin­sic evil.”

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Frank Pavone tweets support for Trump’s racist attack on AOC and Squad.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 14, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Politics


In their gen­er­ous ser­vice to the gospel ide­al, some priests feel drawn to polit­i­cal involve­ment in order to help more effec­tive­ly in reform­ing polit­i­cal life and in elim­i­nat­ing injus­tices, exploita­tion, and every type of oppres­sion. The Church reminds them that on this road it is easy to be caught in par­ti­san strife, with the risk of help­ing not to bring about the just world for which they long, but new and worse ways of exploit­ing poor peo­ple. In any case they must know that they have nei­ther the mis­sion nor the charism from above for this polit­i­cal involve­ment and activism.”

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Do Catholics think they can save themselves? Part 5 of a series on John Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 13, 2019 • Apologetics


“It will not do,” John Calvin cries, “to say that the only ground on which we obtain for­give­ness of sins is in the mass, because it has been already pur­chased by the death of Christ.” Protes­tants love false dichotomies: The Mass or the death of Christ; as though they are dif­fer­ent. But no. The Mass is the death of Christ. It is not, as I point­ed out in the last seg­ment, a new death of Christ, but the same sac­ri­fice done in obe­di­ence to Luke 22:19. (Do this is sac­ri­fi­cial lan­guage; the Mass is not a bare com­mem­o­ra­tion.) But Calvin, being Calvin, will have none of that.

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Marshall’s defenders: Demons speak truth during exorcism.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 13, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets


A legion of Tay­lor Marshall’s defend­ers seem to have picked up this claim from the false prophet him­self: Demons speak the truth dur­ing exor­cism; for they are com­pelled to by the pow­er of Christ. One per­haps should be grate­ful they are attribut­ing this truth-telling to the pow­er of Christ rather than the demons’ native hon­esty. Small favors. Dr. Mar­shall nev­er cit­ed any source for the claim that demons tell the truth dur­ing an exor­cism; he just said it’s “what I’ve been told.” He didn’t even do us the cour­tesy of men­tion­ing who told him so.

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Does the Mass crucify Jesus another time? Part 4 of a series on Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 10, 2019 • Apologetics


Very ear­ly in this chap­ter, John Calvin is already mak­ing claims that are painful­ly easy to dis­prove. He has grown des­per­ate. “What is the direct aim of the mass,” he cries, “but just to put Christ again to death, if that were pos­si­ble?” I’m glad he admits it’s not pos­si­ble. That’s a first. Just before this, Calvin claimed that the Mass “over­throws the cross of Christ,” but nowhere says that that’s not pos­si­ble. Though he sea­sons it with cau­tion, Calvin grows more wreck­less in his charges. You’d think we were pro­cess­ing Christ down the aisle in thorns.

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Taylor Marshall says: Listen to the demons!

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 8, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets


Some years ago, I came across an audio file of part of the exor­cism of Anneleise Michel. Prob­a­bly I had just watched “The Exor­cism of Emi­ly Rose” and was curi­ous about the true sto­ry. Things like that inter­est me, but I don’t rec­om­mend you get inter­est­ed; the audio, even in a lan­guage I could not under­stand, unset­tled me. After Tay­lor Mar­shall record­ed a nine­ty-minute pod­cast pro­mot­ing things the demons said dur­ing the exor­cism, I thought: Wait. Demons are liars. “There is no truth in him,” Jesus said. “He is a liar and the father of lies.”

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Infallibility is true, but (almost) useless. With some words about St. Maria Goretti.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 7, 2019 • Apologetics; Papal Infallibility; Saints


Too many peo­ple imag­ine that infal­li­bil­i­ty means noth­ing in the Church can change. They treat Church teach­ings or tra­di­tions as though they are muse­um pieces and must be kept in pro­tec­tive glass. It is not thus. The Church may grow in its under­stand­ing even of its infal­li­ble teach­ings, such as the Eucharist being the body and blood of Jesus Christ. So when change occurs before our eyes, there are those who pan­ic and speak of cri­sis. But infal­li­bil­i­ty is not meant to force the Mag­is­teri­um into an old wine­skin. This is why the Mag­is­teri­um is liv­ing.

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Does the Mass “banish the remembrance of Christ’s death”? Part 3 of a series on John Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 6, 2019 • Apologetics


Calvin made wild claims; but he got peo­ple to believe them, even today, which is wilder. This one – the Mass ban­ish­es the remem­brance of Christ’s death! — is eas­i­ly dis­proven for any­one who both­ers to read the text of the litur­gy. (Or even: for any­one who walks into a Catholic church and both­ers to look at the cru­ci­fix or the Sta­tions of the Cross.) Per­haps peo­ple are lazy and just take deceivers like Calvin at their word; I don’t know. But there’s a fun­ny lit­tle part of the Mass called the Words of Insti­tu­tion, at least as old as St. Cyril of Jerusalem.

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