Those FaithfulCatholics™ who have been swallowing whole pharmacies of red pills over Pope Francis have a real problem. They want to reject his Magisterium, but deep down they know that’s not really consistent with their chest-thumping insistence on their own faithfulness. But if the conclave was illicit, if it broke the rules, if the pope’s not really the pope, then we have a license to throw all that out. We can get rid of Evangelii Gaudium, we can get rid of Laudato Si, we can get rid of Amoris Laetitia. And we can get rid of that pesky Bergoglio and call another conclave.
Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome XXIV: Cardinal Burke’s Rebel Yell
BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 17, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome