Pope says don’t criticize pope; FaithfulCatholics™ weep and gnash teeth.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 16, 2019 • papacy; Pope Francis

criticize pope
Image via Pix­abay

he pope said: “In order to demon­strate our love for the Pope, it is nec­es­sary to obey him. There­fore, when we love the Pope, there are no dis­cus­sions regard­ing what he orders or demands, or up to what point obe­di­ence must go, and in what things he is to be obeyed.”

But he said more:

When we love the Pope, we do not say that he has not spo­ken clear­ly enough, [Imag­ine that!], almost as if he were forced to repeat to the ear of each one the will clear­ly expressed so many times not only in per­son, but with let­ters and oth­er pub­lic doc­u­ments; we do not place his orders in doubt, adding the facile pre­text of those unwill­ing to obey – that it is not the Pope who com­mands, but those who sur­round him; we do not lim­it the field in which he might and must exer­cise his author­i­ty.

We do not set above the author­i­ty of the Pope that of oth­er per­sons, how­ev­er learned, who dis­sent from the Pope, who, even though learned, are not holy, because who­ev­er is holy can­not dis­sent from the Pope.

This is the cry of a heart filled with pain, that with deep sad­ness I express, not for your sake, dear broth­ers, but to deplore, with you, the con­duct of so many priests, who not only allow them­selves to debate and crit­i­cize the wish­es of the Pope, but are not embar­rassed to reach shame­less and bla­tant dis­obe­di­ence, with so much scan­dal for the good and with so great dam­age to souls.

Oh, wait. That was Pope Pius X. Oops.

This, how­ev­er is what Pope Fran­cis said:

It is irrec­on­cil­able, there­fore, to be a pon­tif­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tive while crit­i­ciz­ing the pope behind his back, to have a blog or even unite with groups hos­tile to (the pope), the Curia or the church of Rome.

Indeed it sounds to me like Pius X redux. But Faith­ful­Catholics™ are hav­ing a fit:

  • “Marx­ists and LGB­Tyran­ny allow no dis­agree­ment.”
  • “Yeah, the dic­ta­tor in action. You shall obey me. You shall not crit­i­cize me.”
  • “It’s very impor­tant for Catholics to expose him.”
  • “Tyrant. Hyp­ocrite.”
  • “He should go and see a rep­utable Jun­gian psy­chi­a­trist.”
  • “Don’t have free­dom of speech aka Com­mu­nism.”
  • “This despot of a man is get­ting des­per­ate.”

So we learn from all this that Faith­ful­Catholics™ think that Pope Pius X is a tyrant and a com­mu­nist. And they think that Pope Pius X pro­mot­ed the LGBT agen­da. They say, too, that Pope Pius X did not believe in free speech. And my favorite: Pope Pius X needs to see a Jun­gian psy­chi­a­trist! Faith­ful­Catholics™ pro­mote Jung now! That’s fas­ci­nat­ing.

If truth be told, Pope Pius X spoke a great deal more strong­ly than Pope Fran­cis. Pope Fran­cis is quite gen­tle com­pared to Pius X. So if Faith­ful­Catholics™ hate Pope Fran­cis, they should real­ly despise St. Pius X. I await a book enti­tled Pope Pius X: The Orig­i­nal Dic­ta­tor Pope. I am cer­tain Faith­ful­Catholics™ will want to rush that one into print.


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