Saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Hays.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 9, 2020 • Blogging & Writing; On Other Blogs

steve hays
Image via Pix­abay

teve Hays was an anti-Catholic polemi­cist who was prob­a­bly the dri­ving force behind the group blog Tri­ablogue. Accord­ing to the notice on his blog, he had can­cer and heart dis­ease. In the course of the past sev­en years, I had occa­sion to tan­gle with him many times—on issues relat­ed to sola scrip­tura, Pope Fran­cis, the author­i­ty of the papa­cy, Mary, and a few oth­ers. Though he and I always dis­agreed with each oth­er, he held fast to what he believed, which is an admirable qual­i­ty in any­one.

I pray that his pass­ing is sweet and that he is now in the com­pa­ny of Christ. Rest in peace, Mr. Hays.


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