Sarah Palin sings “I Am the Walrus.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 21, 2016 • Humor; Politics

sarah palin
Image via Cre­ative Com­mons

I am me
As Trump is we
And we are free
And let’s vote Trump togeth­er

See how they run
To grab all our guns
See how they lie
They’re lying

Stump­ing in a corn state
Wait­ing for the votes to come
Cor­po­ra­tion cronies, stu­pid open bor­ders
‘Bam you’ve been a naughty boy
You’ve done the coun­try wrong

I am the Mama
Trump’s for the Mamas
I am the Griz­zly
Drill baby drill.

Media see me and they go crazy
Sil­ly lamestream media how they go
See how they lie like Trump’s not the guy
See how they lie
They’re lying
They’re lying, they’re lying, they’re lying

Yel­low lib­er­al bas­tard
Can­not kick the ISIS ass
Grab a lot ‘a water
Pour it on the pris­on­ers
Boy you been a naughty boy
That’s how we bap­tize you

I am the Mama
Trump’s for the Mamas
I am the Griz­zly
Drill baby drill

Stump­ing for the Iowa pri­ma­ry
Endors­ing Don­ald Trump
And you must vote Trump, the only man
To save us from our aches and pains

I am the Mama
Trump’s for the Mamas
I am the Griz­zly
Drill baby drill

Expert textpert, lib pro­fes­sor
Don’t you think the coun­try laughs at you?
See how they sigh at you sil­ly guys
Who act so snide
You’re lying

Goofy Bernie Sanders
Scream­ing from his Ivory Tow­er
Ter­ror­iz­ing Arab
Scream­ing Allah Akbar
Man, you’ll see Trump water­board­ing
In Guan­tanamo

I am the Mama
Trump’s for the Mamas
I am the Griz­zly
Drill baby drill

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