I, Scott Eric Alt, forced Trump’s hand and saved The Little Sisters of the Poor.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 4, 2017 • Politics

scott eric alt
Image via Pix­abay

t was I, dear read­er, who said, on this wery blog—here—that if Mr. Trump want­ed to, he could save the Lit­tle Sis­ters of the Poor from the Oba­macare man­date by sign­ing an exec­u­tive order. It’s impor­tant that I point things like that out. Or some­one will come and say the thought was their own. Pos­si­bly Mr. Trump him­self, for he likes to cred­it him­self for every wise idea under the sun.

But even Fake Site News, of all places, not­ed that the pres­i­dent was keep­ing the Oba­macare require­ment.

And oh, I was con­tra­dict­ed for that one: But Alt! It’s a bit more com­pli­cat­ed than just an exec­u­tive order.

And lest you say: Oh, please, Alt! you think Mr. Trump reads your blog? …

That was on April 25. On April 25, I said Mr. Trump could save the Lit­tle Sis­ters by an exec­u­tive order.

Then, on May 2, just a week lat­er, Life­News (not to be con­fused with Fake Site) report­ed that the pres­i­dent was expect­ed to sign an exec­u­tive order. Well, shaz­a­am! What a coin­ci­dence!

And today, he did.

So it is: I, Scott Eric Alt, of To Give a Defense, saved the Lit­tle Sis­ters of the Poor.


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