In November 2016, then-Fr. Frank Pavone took the body of an aborted child, put it on an altar, and filmed a campaign commercial for Donald Trump. Six years later, Pope Francis defrocked him.
marillo bishop Patrick Zurek makes the charge about exhumation in a letter to Pavone dated May 5, 2017. The purpose of the letter was to demand that Pavone ask to be laicized. If Pavone did not request it himself, Bishop Zurek would ask Pope Francis to laicize him involuntarily. In the letter, Zurek cites two grounds for this course of action: (1) Pavone’s “incorrigible” disobedience; (2) Pavone’s exploitation of a dead baby for partisan political purposes. In the middle of all that, Zurek includes this extraordinary paragraph:
First, regarding the exploitation of that aborted baby. At the beginning of the memorial video you clearly stated that this child had been laid to rest and that you performed its funeral, and at the end of the video you stated that you will now lay the child to rest again. [Again? So the child had been already been buried before?] Even though your canonist stated that you made a mistake and miss-spoke [sic], I have no positive and probable cause to believe your canonist’s statement “that his [Fr. Frank’s] actions did not relate to exhuming or reusing an aborted corpse for the singular purpose of using media for a political message.” In the second “apology” video you stated [that] placing the aborted baby on the altar was not “out of bounds.” You stated: “We are not in an ordinary moment.” … You seem to be saying that desperate times call for desperate measures, even to the extent of exhuming an aborted baby.
Exhuming. An. Aborted. Baby.
Exhuming. This isn’t what pro-life people do. This is what monsters do.
Isn’t there some sort of law—I don’t mean canon law, I mean regular civil law—that would prohibit a person from taking it upon himself to exhume a corpse in order to get someone elected to the presidency? Should the police be making a call on Mr. Pavone?
Zurek doesn’t mention civil law, which is unfortunate, but he does mention the Catechism of the Catholic Church §2300:
The bodies of the dead must be treated with respect and charity, in faith and hope of the Resurrection. The burial of the dead is a corporal work of mercy; it honors the children of God, who are temples of the Holy Spirit.
Zurek continued, in a harsh condemnation of Mr. Pavone:
You did not treat that aborted baby with respect and charity; you have not honored that child of God who could have been a temple of the Holy Spirit. Instead, you exploited that poor child, and have given rise to great and grave international scandal. I conclude that you knowingly and deliberately exploited that child for maximum “shock effect” in order to further your own personal political agenda.
I had already noted, on this wery blog, on November 14, 2016, that Pavone was inconsistent when he tried to account for where he got the dead body and what he did with it after his propaganda film. I had also noted, three days earlier, that many people had serious questions about how long it may have been sitting around the offices of Priests for Life.
Oh! Fr. Pavone said to his bishop, when called to Amarillo to account for such things. I buried that child! Then I needed it for a video. Then I buried it again!
What do you mean “again,” Frank?
Oh! Pavone’s canonist interjected. Pavone misspoke!
I’ll just bet he misspoke. Pavone didn’t mean to let that part slip. Oops.
What Zurek’s letter reveals is just how central Pavone’s exploitation of an aborted baby was in the Vatican’s decision to defrock him. The letter is three pages long, and two of those pages condemn Pavone’s treatment of that baby in the harshest terms. Zurek cites three articles of Canon Law against him. He cites Canon 1235 to instruct Pavone that the altar on which he placed the dead baby was just that: an altar. He cites Canon 1211 to instruct Pavone that misusing an altar is “a scandal to the faithful.” And he cites Canon 287 to instruct Pavone that priests are not to be involved in partisan politics. And just listen to the language:
In your supposed apology video you seem to be apologetic in the first half but then in the second half you begin a tirade against your enemies (all who disagree with you) and make threats against them. You even go so far as to say you will not be lectured by anyone in the Church or outside the Church about how to respect an unborn child.
Your partisan rhetoric in favor of one political candidate and party, which is a violation of canon 287 … has led you to calling all those who disagree with you your enemies. These supposed enemies of yours, that you have judged and threatened, are the people of God who need your prayers.
On the final page, Zurek turns to Pavone’s “continual disobedience.” As early as 2014, Zurek had ordered Pavone to cease all broadcasting in the media. On December 6, 2016—one month after Pavone filmed the propaganda commercial for Trump—Zurek wrote to him: “I remind you that you do not have faculties at this time.” He also instructed him to refrain from wearing clerical garb.
All of which instructions Pavone ignored. He also disobeyed an instruction from his bishop not to celebrate a funeral Mass for Norma McCorvey. (She was the “Roe” in Roe v. Wade, who later became pro-life.)
“Frank,” Bishop Zurek wrote, after recalling these details,
you are incorrigible. You have no respect for me, my office, my authority, my oversight. You have had no respect for Cardinal Dolan, nor the directives mandated by the Congregation for the Clergy. I have been dealing with your disobedience and scandalous behavior for years. There is nothing more I can do with you.
In good conscience, I will not even consider allowing you to excardinate to another diocese. You would just continue to be disobedient and act scandalously.
That last part is significant, because it reveals that Pavone was lying when he insisted that he had been transfered to a “new and supportive bishop.”
When I wrote about Pavone’s exploitation of that poor child [graphic image warning] and demanded that his faculty to say Mass be suspended, I did not think it would get much traction. I thought I might get a couple hundred readers, they’d be upset, and nothing would happen.
As it turned out, the Washington Post picked up on it. They quoted me, as well as my friend Mary Pezzulo. My article calling for Pavone’s suspension ended up with more than 35,000 page views.
On our blogs, in the years that followed, Mary and I continued to hammer Pavone’s scandalous and partisan behavior. But, it seemed, the diocese of Amarillo was silent. I lost some faith in the Church’s ministers because of that.
Now I know they were not silent. Pavone’s exploitation of a dead baby, for political gain, in addition to his “incorrigible” disobedience, were at the heart of Amarillo’s request that Pope Francis defrock him. And they started this process as early as six months after the propaganda video.
Knowing that has restored some of my faith.
I lost my only child. She was stillborn. I held my dead daughter in my arms. The idea that a priest would exploit the body of a dead child was and remains intolerable to me. You treat the dead with respect. That is why I never let this story go and never let Pavone out of my radar.
Even now, Pavone is (falsely) insisting that he’s “obedient,” and he is using his defrocking as an excuse to grift for donations. “Donate!” the Priests for Life Web site tells its visitors. “He is being obedient, but they’re attacking him in order to silence you.”
And on Twitter, Pavone makes clear that the priesthood was nothing more than a “title” and a costume to him:
What title I have and what clothes I wear are a very small price to pay for opening my mouth about Biden, Pelosi, the Democrats, and the holocaust of #abortion while many of the same church leaders cower in silence.
He thinks no more of the priesthood than he does of human life. It’s a means to an end for him. No one who is pro-life would exploit a dead body for political gain. They wouldn’t keep it on hand; they wouldn’t bury it, dig it up in the heat of a presidential campaign, then rebury it. No priest who honors his vocation, who knows what it means to be a minster of the mercy of Jesus Christ, would reduce the priesthood to a “title” and “clothes” that are a “small price to pay” to retain his political commitments. Pavone has contempt for the priesthood, just as he has contempt for human life and contempt for the Church and, ultimately, contempt for Jesus Christ.
Pavone continues to condemn and defy the authority of the Church that defrocked him, whinging about the Vatican’s supposed “abuse of authority” and describing Bishop Zurek as an “offensive” “liar” having a “tantrum.” He continues to enlist his followers in his personal war against Church authority. He thinks he’s doing so “for the babies”; he’s really doing it for his own ego. I’m afraid the next step might be his excommunication.
Update. My friend Mary Pezzulo also writes about Bishop Zurek’s 2017 letter here.
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